I has an hg_retrograde! Or, rather, I HAD one! ^_^ ...Sadly, she just left. :-(

Sep 12, 2010 13:16

hg_retrograde left for home this morning. I am sad she is gone, but we had lots of fun while she visited, so all is well. We went sight-seeing around St. Louis--to the Vatican exhibit at the History Museum, to the Gateway Arch, and to the Loop--and I was as much a tourist as I was tour guide. It's been ages since I went to the top of the arch, so despite the cloudy day, I felt like a little kid. It was great. Also, I was quite proud of my city for being as it is. ^_^

The two of us shared my room, since when hg_retrograde arrived, the guest room was occupied, and when said guest left, we'd already set her up with a mattress parallel to mine on the floor, and were happy with the arrangement.

My dog, Rusty, had a blast while she was here. She played with him lots, and he was in perpetual puppy mode. So cute! He even slept on the foot of her bed a bit, and curled up next to her whenever he could. Having seen his boundless energy with her, I'm thinking we really aren't playing with him enough. Also, Mom generally walks him in the mornings when he wakes up at Ridiculous o'clock to eat, and hasn't been doing it lately--another reason he's such a bundle of energy at present. >_>

But! We had writing time, and read-aloud time, and bookstore time, and Blood Ties season 2 time, and it was amazingly wonderful. I also reached the halfway point of my L&W expansion draft while she was in town, during a write-in.

She also made curry and onigiri for us! Such good food! My body is not used to eating so well--I'm an unpracticed cook--so I fear I will spoil myself with the leftovers and then crave until my body remembers how it used to eat (ie. ...actually, I don't really know. I fail at food, honestly).

In conclusion: I had a marvelous weekend with ever-wonderful hg_retrograde. Her visit gave me much joy. ^___^

happymaking, friends, writing & creativity, squee & win, home, food

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