it's a cold war--you better know what you're fighting for

Aug 15, 2010 01:41

I'm up way past my bedtime. I blame hg_retrogade. Also, my procrastination, and my why-is-this-cropping-up-now refusal to listen to my body when it got sleepy at the usual time.

Today has been relaxing. The TV was on once: this morning, when I watched the Project Runway episode from last week that I missed. After that ended, the TV went off and stayed off.

Mom and I sat in the living room pretty much all day, just reading, sharing what we were learning, and doing work. I wrote a bunch, too, which felt good. I would feel bad for being a couch potato today, but tomorrow I've got house cleaning to do, and I got a bunch done today that I'd been putting off, so I feel justified.

In related news: My dog is ridiculously cute. He's curled up on the ottoman at my feet. He doesn't go to bed officially until everyone is out of the living room and the lights are all off. I guess he, like me, doesn't like to miss anything?

...Now I feel bad for keeping him from his bed.


tv shows, procrastination is evil, peaceful things, home, sleeping sickness

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