I haven't posted since Saturday? *headdesk*

Aug 12, 2010 16:46

Things I've done thus far this week
- purchased work clothes during tax-free weekend
- met with my job search mentor and received my first assignment
- turned in my 2nd paper (so I have 2 more to go--specifically #1 and #3)
- started reviewing my outline for paper #1, and done some freewriting to help with the re-framing
- met with my vampire writing group at MoKaBe's, which was excellent fun, and also resulted in ~400 more words of L&W
- went to and read at SLWG's Open Mic (I fully admit I rushed my reading though--the Deane Wagner contest winners read their winning entries first, so the official open mic began 20-30 minutes later than usual, but with the same ending time (ie. the cafe's closing). I wanted to make sure I didn't take up unnecessary time)
- wrote critiques for the short stories (minus 1) of the SLWG critique group I've been in and out of, then went to that meeting
- wrote a critique for one of the girls in the vampire group, and gave that to her the same night
- remembered that even though concrit is hard for me, I do like giving feedback and helping people's stories get better

Things I want to chip away at / finish
- a rough draft of paper #1
- a basic topic idea for paper #3
- comments for hg_retrograde (either all or a good chunk of manuscript)
- finish my CCN assignment (job search org)
- go to see A an hour early and do a freewrite on one of her questions for me
- finish Legends of Blood (it's been months! I finished chapter 11--two chapters to go. Why do I feel compelled to finish this book? >_<)
- see the tykes and talk to Dad
- clean house
- update web site with stuff posted to yG

So, uh, that's the bare bones update. I honestly feel like I've not done much, and like there's still ages of stuff to do, not all of it listed here. At least everything's organized, for the most part, to keep me baby-stepping.

Tonight will, if all is well, be spent hanging out with some friends and watching Deadly Premonition while updating the site. There's been a wrench thrown into the plans, but I am ever hopeful.

happymaking, writing & creativity, work, lists, school, this one's optimistic, friends, clean house, critique groups

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