(no subject)

Aug 05, 2010 18:09

Hanging out with rosalyn_angel at jameson9101322's place, watching Jame play Deadly Premonition (XBox 360 game) and laughing a helluva lot. The game is creepy, but also hilarious--the main character, FBI Agent York, is both callous in talking to the townspeople, and hilariously geeky about movies. While he drives, he'll go off on tangents about films from the 1980s. So much win!

I'm leaving early tonight to go to the Hanson concert in town. I'm excited to hear them sing from the new album! *hopes they sing "Kiss Me When You Come Home"* Also, I will get to see eastfarthing, who I need to see more because she is wonderful. ♥

This weekend, I'll participate in a cemetery photo shoot with my vampire writing group. It promises to be fun. I'll be at a Writers Guild event beforehand, though, so let's see how creatively I can hide my corset. :P Indeed, let's see how creatively I can put the thing on. I won't have someone to lace it for me, and I suspect I will be hopeless. Also, I will probably need to put on make-up for the shoot.

...Again, let's see how I manage by myself. *unpracticed at make-up*

I should have my paper rough draft finished tomorrow, which gives me joy, relief, and permission to read the kinky_fantasy and holidaysmut fics that've been posted this week. I have so many fics I've saved for after the paper is done, I suspect it'll take me a few days, or one full day of shutting out the world, to read them. This does not upset me in the least--so many pretties are waiting for me! Smutty slash is the best reward ever ^__^

Perhaps when I'm done with the paper, I can also finish the stories I've started writing for said comms. One in particular has me quite excited...

music, rpgs & games (2), happymaking, writing & creativity, school, kinky_fantasy, friends, holidaysmut, squee & win, smut

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