schoolwork takes second to kink!fic fiendery

Jul 31, 2010 16:24

I see foresee another day of sitting at the kitchen table in my PJs, glued to my laptop as I finally hammer out things out things I've been stalling on...between bouts of stalling on said things. Let me just say that procrastination is difficult when one's compulsive-refresh web sites refuse to update. *sigh*

In more productive news, alice_montrose and I spent some of this morning ironing out in the kinks on kinky_fantasy. The most important things were adding a FAQ and changing the rules on the Fantasy+Kink=Fic prompt list so it doesn't become impossible to actually make it into the Hall of Fame. I am thoroughly excited, and strongly considering signing up. What can I say? I'm a prompt/writing game fiend. *cackles*

Though I have stalled on work today (still am), I have also gotten some done--including paragraphs on one of my outstanding papers. This makes me happy, as avoiding said paper like the plague did nothing to actually get words onto the page.

Okay, I think it's time for one more compulsive refresh, then another pomodoro of work.

happymaking, goals/gtd, writing & creativity, school, some people have real problems, kinky_fantasy, prompt me!, procrastination is evil

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