This icon is for all of you!

Jul 30, 2010 21:41

Last night, I was inducted into the intern pool of holidaysmut! I am thoroughly excited. Also, anal-retentive about organization. Spreadsheet, anyone? :P

Today alice_montrose and I got kinky_fantasy up and running! I am thoroughly excited for the comm. Prompts! Prompts for everyone! *throws sparkles and confetti; schemes about adding more prompt sets as it flutters through the air*

Also, icons: I have more of them! *snuggles alice_montrose, who kicks serious ass* Check 'em out, or watch as I try to use them ALL within the week. (I will totally manage this. Just don't shoot me for posting lots and lots.)

Finally, I'm considering offering a kiriban on yGallery in, like, 200 views. Someone should tell me this is a terrible idea. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

happymaking, projects, writing & creativity, special occasions, kinky_fantasy, prompt me!, slash, holidaysmut, icons, friends, plotbunnies & prompts, squee & win, smut

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