meme - spot the pattern in my favorite characters!

Jun 27, 2009 18:46

This awesome meme brought to you, thievery. Stolen from alice-montrose. ^_^

List 10 of your favorite characters from different fandoms, and ask people to spot patterns in your choices, and if they're so inclined, to draw conclusions about you based on the patterns they've spotted.

1. Weiss Kreuz - Schuldig
2. Gundam Wing - Duo Maxwell
3. Sky High - ( Read more... )

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jameson9101322 June 28 2009, 01:04:33 UTC
I conclude you like strong women who break out of the mold that's been built for them and make their own way.

Men, I can't read you from your men. You like guys who hide a secret it appears.

Here's my list of 10 and 10. They are in no particular order, I was looking at my DA to find them so no one is loved more than another

10 guys (how the crap will I narrow it down?)

1, Master Chief - Halo
2, Bumblebee - Transformers
3, Sasha Nein - Psychonauts
4, Gale - Digital Devil Saga
5, K - the men in black (movie or series)
6, Alucard - Hellsing
7, Cid - Final Fantasy 7
8, Dryden - Escaflowne
9, Ray - Reboot
10, and because its me and its right now... Pyramid Head from Silent Hill ^_^

As far as girls go

1, Jade - Beyond Good and Evil
2, Alyx - Halflife 2
3, Cortana - Halo
4, Heather - Silent Hill3
5, Trillian - Hitchhiker's Guide
6, GLADos - Portal
7, Integral - Hellsing
8, Tetra - Legend of Zelda: Windwaker
9, Zoe - Firefly
10, Tex - Red vs Blue

The girls were hard. I dont collect women like I do men, although there are a lot of strong female characters I like. I don't have a gallery full of pictures to represent them though.

Okay, judge away


newtypeshadow July 1 2009, 02:10:07 UTC
I conclude you like strong women who break out of the mold that's been built for them and make their own way.

I thoroughly agree with this assessment. Strong women are the best!

Re your lists:
You like a range of men, though you tend to favor older, somewhat contrary or quirky men. You like characters with Personality, man or women--no milquetoasts with no perspective or opinions on their lives. You also like people who can handle strange circumstances--the hells-on-earths and the fantasy/sci fi-on-earth--without warning. Your women, so far as I know, are savvy fighters in their various arenas. These are women who make a Difference.

[/tait's bad analysis]


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