[Fic] The One Prophecy - Chapter 2 b

Mar 01, 2009 17:05

A shaft of summer sunlight poured through the window. Kazuya moved his muscle, stretching his hands upright then rolled over his body and beamed his face on the pillow. A surge of annoyance filled him up as the clock made the tickling sound at the early morning. Hissing and shrugging on his own, he sat up straight lazily. With his eyes closed, he caught the strong scent of cooked food from the window; it was so good that his nostril went high and the taste of it made his mouth waters.

Then came another scent mixing in the air; it was the scent of a garden drifting from the lilies he could tell. He closed his eyes to savour the smell a lot like cloves and cinnamon, the sting of the smell brought him to recall the smell of a stranger he bumped last night. The air around him smelled like fresh flowers. His stage presence burst out the glowing aura of quiet power and confidence that seemed to captivate and turned every eyes on the stranger; great waves of passion overflowing through the veins making the skin tingle and driving them insane.

He remembered it well. The night before, when he was about to vomit near the drain.

Kazuya felt a vague sense of warmth and comfort fill him as the stranger rubbed his back and muttered, “There you go. Just throw up if you feel like it. Don’t hold back.”

The man he barely knew spoke a substance of concerns and worries. He couldn’t see his face as the dark shadowed him from the light and he kept on sweating and vomiting near the drain. His brain had gone mad, fuzzy in the background and the last thing he remembered only a glimpse of the man’s back walking like a whoosh of dramatically elegant.

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fic: ryoda, fic: akame, the one prophecy

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