[Fic] The One Prophecy - Chapter 2 a

Feb 26, 2009 17:46

Title: The One Prophecy
Pairing: Akame, Ryoda
Additional Characters: Nakamaru Yuichi
Genre: Romance, Drama, Humor, Horror
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya and Nakamaru Yuichi was college best friend. One day, Tatsuya followed Nakamaru on a holiday to France. Before going, Nakamaru persuaded Tatsuya to have a tarot reading at a carnival fair, asking if any chance they will meet the right guy happened to cross their fate.  Haunted by mysterious prophecy, Tatsuya regretted coming at first place… sometimes love can be a pain in the neck!

Chapter 2 a

His vision turned dark and blurry but he smelled the freshness of the air and heard the sound of whistling leaves. The presence around the dark space giving him an instinct he might probably was in an unidentified dark wood. Suddenly, the winds rose to an unbearable volume of shrieking making the leaves whistle louder and then a sight of a dark haired man, who was wearing black long coats covering his blue-black V-neck shirt with his long pant on, made a tall flying from trees to trees, caught his gaze to a torment of fear.

He had come. The voice echoed in sudden. His mind was screaming out demands, warning and confusion, searching for an answer to what has happening.

He watched the creature targeting and running in a speed of lightning to catch his prey as the moon went straight above his head.

Oh my god! He was feeding! His saliva squeaked deep in his throat tried to clear his mouth, his eyes widened in horror as the man licked the red juice dripping from his white fangs. Certainly, it was the taste of the blood. He silently watched from behind, closing his mouth but the smell of the blood caused him to make the sound of small choke and cough. The man stopped from sucking his prey and slightly turned around.

Oh no! Did he see me? He was worried to death. He tried to escape but his body seemed to stiff even more. Perhaps his shock wasn’t cooled down yet.

The man stepped closer and left his prey behind. Beloved, are you really here? I was waiting for you.

He shook his head tremendously and was frightened as if he couldn’t feel his legs moving. It was too much for him. No matter what, he needed to get away from this creepy place before he was targeted as the man’s next prey. He was struggling when his body was pushed to the man with a single command from his spell and Tatsuya wasn’t sure if he would die tonight.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m here.” Another voice reacted to his scream. Tatsuya felt a warm hand holding him with a gentle touch and convinced him that he was safe in his arms.

“Hey beautiful, are you alright? You look like a million miles away…” A sweet gentle voice muttered again above him.

Ouch my head...

Tatsuya shook his head to clear the remnant of the blurry vision… of an unknown strange voice to be exact; slowly cracking his eyes open to see a handsome young man holding his palm, pulling a pleasant smile while kneeing beside him, utterly relieved when Tatsuya managed to wake up from the faint. And their gaze glued again.

No. Don’t tell me he is that vamp- is he? Wait! No such thing calls vampire. Am I already turning mad? But the vision seems blurred. It can’t be him…

The dark haired man, whom Tatsuya noticed it was the guitarist, gave him a worried expression when he didn’t responded to his inquiries. He looked masculine, elegant, arrogant, and so sexy. And Tatsuya assured his dark eyes were burning with desire, enough to restore his unawakened lust from deep slumber. Furthermore, he wasn’t quite sure why he felt so safe and secure though he barely knew the man.

Not long after that, Nakamaru and Kazuya ran through the standing crowd as they noticed it was their friend who collapsed on the floor and so Tatsuya shyly averted his eyes from the dark haired man, removing his hand from the hold.

“Tat-chan! Are you okay? What happened?” Nakamaru squished near and helped his best friend to sit up. Kazuya handed him a glass of water but he pulled it away with a shaky hand.

“No, I’m really fine. Just spaced out there for a few minutes. I guess I can’t swallow anymore drink for tonight. Sorry to cause you worry.” Nakamaru and Kazuya shot a worried look over their friend, but the fallen man convinced everyone who happened to view the embarrassing incident that he was okay and no injuries were taken place.

The guitarist muttered ‘Sorry’ for accidentally bumping into him but Tatsuya quickly cut him, “No. It-it’s alright. It’s my fault not to look where I was heading.”

The guitarist pulled a calm still look at him, a handsome smirk illustrated on his face when he saw Tatsuya kept averting his eyes as his dark eyes continued to stare, wanting to assure his recovering state. Then to his surprising expectation, the dark haired guy leaned in close and whispered to his ears which caused both of his friends to drop their jaws shockingly.

“Look carefully where you’re going. I might not be able to save you next time, beautiful…” and left him stiffened on the floor then strolled back to the stage.

He left me just like that? Idiot! You should get me stand up first. He yelled in his head. But somewhere deep within him, he was happy.

The band continued to perform another song and the rest of the crowd remained to their earlier state. They were cheering and dancing on the dance floor, while Nakamaru and Kazuya threw giggles while teasing their fallen friend who was turned into reddish pink all over his face. Perhaps he was too embarrassed to stand up after the incident, but what the most embarrassed thing was when a stranger dared to blow a seducing whisper into his ears, and planting sweet talks at him! At that moment, he felt his anger burning inside him but at one point his excitement raised higher to the extent that he might have already fallen for the guy.

No! Don’t joke about that, Tatsuya. Stop dreaming and get up! He warned himself.

Tatsuya collected his breathing for a while. He was still in dizzy a bit but he didn’t want to cause any trouble for his friends, and slowly got up with all his might.

The room spun into the swirl of confusion as the image of another handsome dark haired seemed a bit taller than the other one, burst into the crowd which caused Tatsuya to turn his head in fascination. He was in black outfit; his features shadowed, and outlined against the night gently walking to the crowd and ended standing in front him. The handsome man offered him a hand, but Tatsuya didn’t refuse his help and got up like a Cinderella style.

It happened in a nick of time before he realized he was already standing close to another stranger’s arms. “Are you alright? You look dizzy,” The tall man asked in concern.

“I-I’m just fine. Maybe…” He trembled.

Nakamaru nudged his other friend, the brown haired guy, grinning in excitement. “I think he’s The One.” He whispered softly to the ear.

Kazuya looked puzzle trying to understand the whole situation and muttered, “Huh? What are you talking about?” but Nakamaru signalled him to ask later about it.

“Do you want me to drive you home?” The man turned to look at the two young men who were standing near him. He assumed those two might be the little one’s friends.

“No, I’m totally fine. I can walk!” Tatsuya exclaimed and loosened the grip then stepped back.

“Thanks anyway.” He added before walking away.

“I don’t think so! You don’t look so well.” The stranger grabbed his arms causing him to jerk back a little.

Tatsuya cocked an irritating look and broke his arms free. “Listen, I’m totally fine. Second, I don’t know you so I don’t trust you. Third, my friends are with me now. If anything goes wrong, I trust them better than you!”

“Oh, you’re such a hard type to handle.” He smirked. Tatsuya frowned, feeling disappointed. How can he easily take a stranger’s offer just like that!

“Yup, I agree! He’s very stubborn sometimes.” Nakamaru added, interrupting in the middle.

Tatsuya threw a death glare to his best friend, while Kazuya pretended he didn’t hear anything. “You’re one to talk stranger. Don’t conclude anything if you don’t know me. By the way, thanks for your help!” he dashed out from the area and walked up to the stairs. The tall man watched the three of them leaving the bar and he wandered to the empty table to spend the night.

“What’s wrong if he wanted to drive you home? At least, we don’t need to pay the taxi. Money saving.” Nakamaru calculated the logic in his head.

“But Nakamaru… How can we trust a stranger? Maybe he is acting kindly back there but you don’t know his real intention. Can be dangerous too!” Kazuya snapped back.

Tatsuya nodded in agreement. “See, Kazuya understands better than you though we only know each other about 2 hours. I think I need to add you into the stranger list instead!” he wickedly joked.

“What! That’s not fair. You can’t do this to me!” he yelled but his two friends just laughed at his childish response.

After passing by certain buildings, Kazuya bid farewell as he has other things to catch up. Both Nakamaru and Tatsuya exchanged their numbers with him before the brown haired guy took his leave, walking his way up to the east side, probably going to another bar. They tried to stop a taxi but all of the taxis were full with passengers. Luckily for their peace of mind, they managed to get a taxi at the street which located a few metres at the west from where Kazuya left them and went straight to the hotel for a comfortable nap.

Previous: Chapter 1 | Next: Chapter 2 b

fic: ryoda, fic: akame, the one prophecy

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