Flurries, but not snow

May 04, 2008 16:13

Take everything I am
I'm clay within your hands

So basically I'm leaving for the Lake tomorrow and life has been totally nutso with prep attempts for this including having important hang out time and conversations with people.

In other event news, I went to the "Man Show" with Isaac and one of his friends. It's a trade show for vehicles of every kind, cool gadgets, stocks, tools, and various other stereotypically male things. Notably there was also lingerie, jewelry, makeup, and spa stuff presumably so that men could buy stereotypical gifts for their stereotypical girlfriends. Aside from the obvious redneckness of the show, there was some really neat stuff there, like a Corvette boat and a guy who talked to us who organizes Demo Derbies and similar things. He told us that for the Tough Trucks shows, if you're a skilled enough driver with an average (but tough) truck the course is easy - it's the skill and not the truck that makes the competition tick. I had suspected that, but it's cool to hear that I was right. Isaac asked me which of two monstrous black trucks I would pick, and I pointed at one and said it looked like it had better suspension... He was shocked, and I played offended. Good times.

Then last night Ricki and I had a great sleepover and talked about the future. We prayed a heartfelt prayer together before we went to sleep.

Today is a flurry of time fleeting away while I desperately try to pack. I'm meeting with the folks tonight whose cabin I am probably going to rent a room from for the summer. I will probably bike from their cabin to work if that works every morning and evening... We'll see how it goes.

This is possibly my last LJ post for a week. I'll be at the Lake, working to get everything up and running. Working is good, though. Really good.


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