May 03, 2008 02:14
No greater joy is there than this
To know for what we're meant to live
To hold Your hand, to touch Your face
To find ourselves in Love's embrace
So today I finally chose what to do with my Friday night - I went to see Starfield in concert. This afternoon I stopped by to pick up my tickets and the band was around for autographs - I came up and said I had nothing for them to sign, but I wanted them to know how much of a blessing their music had been for me for years. Their eyes lit up and they thanked me so much for coming to say that, and they asked my name and shook my hand. Then tonight was by far the best worship concert that I've had in a long time and the best one of theirs, and I've been a Starfield fan for at least six years. The song above had never been one of my favourites, but I'd never really thought about the beauty of the concept of living to be the object of affection.
Lord I want to yearn for You
I want to burn with passion
Over You and only You
Tonight as I sat listening to Shane and Shane (for the first time) they opened with "Yearn." I had a new revelation of God as lover. It was earthshattering in a way. I feel like my whole life lately has been God putting me on speed dial. Since January, the number of astounding things that have happened in my life is astonishing, even astronomical. (Heh, cool "Ast" words!) It would be impossible to count all the things in my life as coincidence. God is speaking to me in every way. From finding out that I would be living the dream to Israel to being there, from asking for justice to deaths, from anti-postmodern to embrace, from cynicism to new relationships, from not having a summer job to having an ideal one provided for me. From making a decision between a dance and a concert, and having one of those life redirection moments - because someone suggested a dance the night before so I had no excuse to go to the dance anymore. It's like God is saying, in every way he can, "I love you. I desire you. Come closer." Sometimes I am getting answers before I even ask the question. It's like God is courting me, announcing his intentions, having a relationship talk with me and saying, "I'm jealous of all those you give your heart to. I bought it fair and square. Give it to me first and you can have your heart's desire. All of it." I've been feeling so loved lately, and now even moreso. My heartfelt pleas were all heard. Every one.
You saw the very day we'd fall away from You
And how desperately we need to be redeemed
We cry out for Your life to revive us
Cry out for Your Love to define us
The bands tonight were in conjunction with World Vision, and they handed out World Vision children to everyone by sticking them in the seats. A girl came around to catch people sitting in unusual spots, and I was on a front pew, so she set one down beside me. I noticed it in passing only, since the Shane and Shane concert was in full swing. When they asked us to read the description and pray for the child, I noticed that his face was Middle Eastern and then did a double take. He's from Hebron. I was just there. Not coincidence. I called home and asked my Aunt if she would be willing to sponsor the child with me, and Nader's lovely face is now on my fridge. It's been a long time since I had a child sponsorship, and this one is really special.
Let me not be blind with privilege
Give me eyes to seek the pain
Let the blessing You've poured out on me
Not be spent on me in vain
Take everything I am
I'm clay within your hands
At the beginning of the Starfield concert, a guy I knew from the music program and his friend went up to the front and center, and I was next to join them - meaning I was front center in front of a row of subs (who needs a fan when the bass makes the air move?) and it wasn't all that loud there because the major speakers were on the side. I felt the music instead because of the subs. It was so amazing, the worship was intense and beautiful. He had us sing The Hand that Holds the World changed from "want" to "get" - like this:
We get to stand before the King, join in the song that heaven sings
We get to hold the hand that holds the world
We get to know the mystery, reach out and touch the majesty,
We get to hold the hand that holds the world
I loved that re-focus, especially knowing the mystery. So amazing. What a gift.
They played some of my all-time favourites, including Revolution, Son of God, Filled With Your Glory, and all the main songs I like from the new album (Tracks 1,2,3,5,6, and 7.)
Son of God, the Father's gift to us,
You alone were broken on the altar of love
Precious lamb, our freedom's in Your blood,
It's in Your blood
Jesus, oh Holy One, I sing to You, forgiven
Savior, I'm overcome with Your great love for me
And it is utterly true. I am overcome with love.
After the concert I went for coffee with Jay and Roberta and we had an amazing conversation about the power of words and then talked a little about relationships.
Oh, and before all of this I drove to Cudworth and stocked cards. I have a new and excellent idea for an art project involving greeting card envelopes and a stand similar to one in a store, except this would be different.
The drive was amazing - migrating bird flocks everywhere including some really neat looking ones and pretty mallards in the sloughs. It was a perfect, sunny day. I was totally loving it. Also, my car made extremely good gas mileage - it only took me half a tank for three hours of driving - even at current gas prices, that's like $40 for a trip home and back to camp. It's possible that I'll feel comfortable coming in to Saskatoon a few more times than I thought, though I'd really prefer for people to come out to me and to enjoy the lake. Of course, I am waiting on a response about staying in Isaac's Uncle's cabin, and I'd have to ask if it's okay to have the occasional sleepover with a girlfriend or a lakeshore party there. I'm assuming that if I respect the place, that will be fine, but if it wasn't I'd still take the cabin for myself and plan stuff with people elsewhere on campgrounds or whatever.
I am so excited about life right now. Life is really good. Even if it's three A.M. and I'm going to be running on precious little sleep for the whole weekend and I have about five different appointments tomorrow, back to back - an essay to finish, wash and packing to do... Despite all that, life is amazing.
#big events,