Crazy daylight savings time! I was on the phone with Lewis from the internet radio, an hour earlier than expected, and I had a leftover chicken finger in my mouth when he called me. Isn't that how life always is! Good times.
So since I mentioned my artwork incentives, I thought perhaps I should at least give you
a link to see some of it here!
Audible RedBull, © Lewis, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Check it out! Anyway, while I'm on the topic, you know what the hardest things about being a blogger from Saskatchewan is? Daylight Savings Time. Because we don't have that here. And it's stupidly confusing to everyone involved. I had to triple-check my start time in the 'thon! And then triple check it again? And people keep getting to me an hour or so earlier than everyone else. Crazyness.
And starting my ever-building and kind of weird thanks list: Thank you Mom for pestering me into learning to type properly. If I wasn't doing this at a blinding speed, I wouldn't be doing this Blogathon. One of the best learning investments pretty much ever.
I am so excited though? This is going to be the greatest day.
This isTwyla's post #4 in
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Because nobody should be for sale. Thanks for coming out!
Blogathon Sponsors have pledged/donated $565 to the cause as of this post.
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