My noticeable abscence from LJ on Saturday and Sunday is/was due to the fact that I am/was currently dogsitting.
Right now I'm installing Illumina, a bible program, onto my laptop. It's a great program, but I'm not totally sure it will install properly, because I think it needs a full complement of 3 megs of space... I'm not sure I'll have the space for it. I guess if it does install all the way I'll take the opportunity to go into the program folder and zip-file the images/videos/animations so I can run on a smaller version. But I will appreciate the Bible in it's entirety and a concordance and encyclopedia that it comes with. It's going to be a really nice thing to have it with me at the University. It's a heavy laptop, though. Though not as heavy as most of the textbooks I've had. I'm just thinking that this and my SLR camera and History textbooks are really going to hurt my back if I'm not careful.
Further annoyance about the computer, I haven't learned how to type without occasionally hitting the sensitive mousepad and losing a chunk of my text. *sigh* I just did it again a moment ago, but thankfully it wasn't much text.
Right now I'm sitting in my neighbor's kitchen with my laptop on their kitchen table and the dogs at my feet. Coincedentally I also have one of my favourite bands on the radio blaring out some good Christian pop. I've been quasi-cooking lunches, having salads, the like. And did I mention they have a pool? I was with Mom yesterday, and she was a little bit afraid of the deep end. Ah, well. She also got water up her nose there, so that didn't help matters.
I think she had a good time nevertheless. Did I also mention they have a GIANT WIDESCREEN TV? Oh. Yeah. I've been watching my NewsRadio DVDs on their system. Notably, I also watched a few TV movies yesterday. One of which was Save the Last Dance, where upon watching the closing scene I realized I love the song she dances to for her contemporary piece. Does anyone have the MP3 for that? The other movies I caught some of were Legally Blonde and Moonstruck.
I'd put a spoiler warning here, but if you haven't seen Moonstruck yet you've either never had cable (i.e. you've lived under a rock your whole life)
I don't think I've ever mentioned that I really love that movie. It's got a nasty plot, stupid lines like, "Take me so nothing is left but the flesh on my bones..." Ick. That makes me gag even thinking about it. And it's got fair acting at best. It's also one of those celebrity movies. However, having said that I have to make the concession that in spite of all that, a scruffy, sweaty Nicolas Cage carrying Cher to his bed is definitely a must see if you like that sort of thing. And what woman doesn't. I think the whole moon thing is sort of cheesy. But man, the chemistry.
It is now quite a few hours later. In fact, appoximately 10 hours all total since I last wrote in the laptop. Since then I've had some installation fiascos - one program I REALLY wanted on here runs fine except it only runs in 1024x768. Thus 800x600 of that shows, and that's shitty. Unfortunately that took a few hours out of my day that I could have spent watching movies or NewsRadio or swimming.
Turns out I ended up doing a little bit of both. As well as getting some excellent pics of the dogs. And did I mention they have a sparrow nesting in one of their hanging plants? And about a week ago I saw the eggs and now they're all babies. A beautiful, breathing fluff bunch with big eyes and odd-looking faces. I got a couple pics (below) when I took the basket down to water it, so I'll have to share the love. Gran apparently got pics of me in the pool with my new swimsuit. (below)
And I watched Ferris Bueller this afternoon. I'd like to imagine I got up and danced during the parade scene because I've seriously always wanted to do that. Maybe next year. I would've too, it's just that I was covered in happy, peaceful, sleeping dogs. I figured I'd just keep it on the things to do before you die list. Category: Because No One Else Has Ever Actually Put These Things On A List And Made A True Effort To Do Them All.
Like eat Pringles Original flavour with Salsa, Dance to Ferris Bueller, Make out to Switchfoot's Dare You To Move, and meet Dave Foley for the express purpose of telling him I love NewsRadio and I wish it had lasted forever.
Well I do believe that NewsRadio is still on pause downstairs so I think I'll take down a towel and lounge. I'll probably pull a NR all-nighter. Because I can. :)
Oh, pictures have now arrvied.
Baby birds a few days old.
Me in the pool...and
Hope you enjoyed!