Jun 09, 2005 22:58
It's late-ish, I need sleep - so, yeah, the title is lame and has no real connection to the post itself. But, at least I remembered to post this so that I wouldn't forget tomorrow amidst all the chaos of getting ready to leave, which by the way, is so the best part of travel. Pfft. Yay, sarcasm.
Anyway, I'm just letting y'all know that my best friend's dad has talked me into driving down to my hometown for FOUR days (I was gone last week because Tara was up here, staying with me - I find this kind of amusing, we have the best timing in the world) for her surprise birthday party. Can't you just feel the excitement? I'm excited, yeah.. but the point is: I'll be out of town from Saturday to Tuesday, and won't have internet access. So, how does this relate to Lily? She'll be behind on tags & challenges or what not until I get back.