meme about my NEWS *chu*

Mar 17, 2010 14:31

 taken from zaziemuto and foxhana

Meme about my fandom: NEWS~~

1. The character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
6. The character I would shag anytime
7. The character I'd want to be like
8. The character I'd slap
9. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise
11. Favorite character
12. My five favorite characters
13. My five least favorite characters
14. Which character I am most like
15. My deep, dark fandom secret

1. The character I first fell in love with

tsuyoshi domoto ( unexcepted right? thanks to tsuyoshi, if i'm not watching his drama kindaichi i really don't know about JE)

2. The c
haracter I never expected to love as much as I do now
koyama keiichiro & kato shigeaki

3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
hmmm.. i love them all ^_^

4. The character I love that everyone else hates
kusano & uchi (hmm.. i love them so much but right now i think NEWS as 6 member already ok ne~)

5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
i never stop fallin in love with them!!!

6. The character I would shag anytime
shige or ryochan~ (ahahks yes! i love keichan but i don't have dirty  thinking towards him ahahks, coz i respect him so much ^_^)

7. The character I'd want to be like
shige and tegoshi~
       shige--> i want be artistic like shige who love photographic and left handed
       tegoshi---> person who totally type B ahhaks ( sometimes i want be like him)

8. The character I'd slap
eeeeeeeeehhhh! i will slap keichan if keichan suddenly like jin huhuhuhu please dun keichan~

9. A pairing that I love
of course, NISHIKATO!!! koyashige for their friendship ( i really jealous with them coz got beautiful friendship), shigepi, massupi, tegoryo, tegomassu, ryomassu, tegoshige... ahahks easy to said i love all NEWS member ai pairing ahhaks ^_^

10. A pairing that I despise
don't have.. from above answer you know already i love of NEWS member ai so much ^_^

11. Favorite character
kato shigeaki!!! his character really cuteeeeeeeeeee!!! when i heard recomen when shige and maruyama became guest. maruyama admit it shige have great character!!! he said if you don't know who actually shige is, they will said shige is young master but if they know who shige is actually modest person ever!! i love shige's character so much! i can't resist his lovely & baka side even he really clever! that was great gap for me ^_^

12. My five favorite characters
   >_< gomen i love them all ahahks!!

13. My five least favorite characters
don't have! love them so much!!

14. Which character I am most like
koyama keiichiro! hmm maybe we have same character ahahks ( i want to be like him!! coz of that i respect him so much)

15. My deep, dark fandom secret
keichan & jin (its rare ne but actually johnnys jr time this pairing really close each other)

meme, news

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