fic fir goldfreckled

Aug 26, 2010 12:23

Gift fic for: indian_monsoon
From: newsficcon

Title: Perfect Relief
Rating: PG
Pairing: Yamapi/Shige
Warnings: None
Summary: Shige contemplates after him and Yamapi get into a fight
Notes: For goldfreckled ...I hope you like this fic! And to my lovely beta - thank you, you are amazing <3

He wonders why he comes here whenever they fight - here in the place where it all started. Maybe it's a security blanket, or maybe it's just that he is an overly sentimental person, he doesn't quite know. Either way, it relaxes him, lets him breathe again when he's not able to.

This is where he first met Yamashita Tomohisa, Yamapi as his friends like to call him (Shige personally likes Tomo). Yamapi, Tomo, whatever his name, was all soft eyes and gentle manners. When Shige first met him, he couldn't take his eyes away from his face (though that might have had something to do with the smidge of chocolate near his lips). Tomo had reached his hands out to Shige and said with those mischievous brown eyes 'Do you want to play?' Shige nodded his head gratefully and took Tomo's hands in his own. Tomo had introduced him to his friends that day. Shige was five then.
Now, twenty years later, Shige wonders how his life would have been had Tomo never been there. No more fights about stupid little things that bother them, no more worrying over late nights at the office, no more relying completely on someone who could tear your heart apart in seconds. But then again, he wouldn't get early morning kisses which are firm and reassuring, no more sneaking kisses in between dinner, no more sharing life with someone who knows you better than you know yourself.

He wonders at times why Tomo had accepted him as a boyfriend - the careless, useless boy who never could match up to Tomo's almost idol-like friends and social life, and perhaps its this insecurity with the situation and himself that they always end up fighting.

Tonight was no different. While Shige worked regular hours at the lab, lawyer Yamashita Tomohisa's schedule was much more erratic, but Shige had been looking forward to coming home and making Tomo dinner. He knew how stressed Tomo had been the last couple of days but since it was friday, he knew Tomo would come home by 7.

Shige had come home early, ready to make all of Tomo's favourite foods (he had asked his friend Massu to take over his shift as Massu already owed him a favour) and had gotten started immediately. He had it down to a science - boiling and chopping vegetables would take twenty minutes, cooking the food would take another twenty minutes, cleaning would take ten minutes and then he would still have ten minutes to freshen up for when Tomo would come home.

But there was no sign of Tomo at 7. Shige had gotten everything prepared - seven became eight, and eight became nine, but it wasn't until nearly 10 when he Tomo returned.

"I am sorry! I am sorry, I am sorry , I am sorry! Some of my friends at work asked me join them for a drink at six and I thought I'd make it in home in time and I completely forgot..." Tomo trailed off as he looked at the table filled with half empty pots and empty wine glasses.

"Do as you please." Shige said, upset that Tomo couldn't even remember to send a text.

"Shige, I am sorry! I know I screwed up, but they literally hauled me out of my desk and to the bar!" Shige's resolve almost cracked as he saw Tomo's helpless expression.

"And you couldn't tell them no? That you had someone waiting for you when you came home?" Shige asked.

"I tried to text you, but my friends took my phone away!"

"You couldn't even call me from the bar?"

"Shige, I am sorry, if I had known you were doing this, I would have made more of an effort to come home."

"Why do I need to make appointments with you? I am not your client!"

"Why can't you have a little bit of trust in me? Why must you always be like this, Shige?" Tomo yelled.

"Always be like what Tomo? I was worried about you! I wanted you to come home early because I knew how stressed you were and wanted to make dinner for you!"

"I know you wanted to, and that's why I am trying to apologize," Tomo emphasized.

"How many more times. How many more times can I deal with you putting me second in your life?"

"If you think that's what I am doing, go ahead. I just made one small mistake and you won't even forgive me for it!"

"What about me? Tomo, we've been together for two years, but you still treat me like I am nothing more than your friend!"

"Now that's not true, and you know it. I try and be with you whenever possible, but I need to have time for my friends too!"

"That's all you have time for nowadays! Do you know how long it's been since it's just been us two together? You always have Jin or Ryo over, and I don't get to spend any time with you as it is!"

"So you're saying you don't like my friends?" Tomo questioned.

"No, I am saying I want more time with you!"

"Well, Shige, I really do try - "

"But something always happens. You either have so much work that you don't even come home or you always have a friend who is desperate to take you for a drink. I know you try but why do I have to make an appointment to see you? "

"Maybe because I have an actual job that I wanted to do rather than some job that I took because I couldn't find anything else!" As soon as the words flew out of Tomo's mouth, Shige knew that he had regretted saying them but Shige was already out the door before Tomo could even think of how to apologize.

Shige rocks himself back and forth on the swings, feeling the wind on his face refresh and rejuvenate him. He hears a soft 'Shige' behind him, and he doesn't need to turn around to know that it's Tomo calling him.

"Shige." The voice is stronger now. "Shige, I am sorry, I didn't mean what I said."

"I know you didn't." Shige doesn't turn around.

"I just said it in a burst of anger. I was just so frustrated today with work, and then the guys came over and going to the bar seemed to be a good idea at the time..."

"I know Tomo. I know. I am frustrated too. We barely get to see each other nowadays, and it seems like the only way I get to spend time with you is when we go to sleep."

He hears a squeak near him, and he turns to find Tomo sitting in the swing next to him. Tomo sighs, and Shige can't help but admire his beautiful features. "Remember when we were kids and life was so much simpler?"

Shige smiles and says "Those were the good old days huh?"

Tomo nods and says "What happened to that?"

"We grew up, " Shige responds. "Had to happen sometime."

"Sometimes I wish that we could go back to being kids. When we used to just play around in the park without a care in the world, and we had all the time we wanted."

"Don't we all wish that?" Shige asks.

"But, I suppose being grown up has its perks." Tomo jumps off the swing, pulling Shige along with him.

"Yeah?" Shige asks, snorting. "Like what?"

"Like this." And Tomo kisses him right there on the lips under the moonlight, with no one around to see or gawk or point.

"I suppose that is one perk," Shige whispers after they part.

"I am sorry I came home late today. I didn't know you were preparing dinner for me."

"I know. I am sorry I yelled at you like that. I know you're busy at work but I just wish that I could spend more time with you."

"If it makes you feel any better," Tomo says, eyes crinkled in happiness, "I was thinking about you the entire time I was with my friends tonight."

"Really? What about?"

"I'll show you when I get home." Yamapi laughs, mischief filled in his voice so reminiscent of the young boy Shige had known in his youth and in that second Shige forgets all about the fight.

"Better be good," Shige mutters as they walked back home together, and he feels he can breathe once more.

p: shige/yamapi, c: yamapi, r: pg, c: shige

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