Gift fic for orangegreenlove

Sep 15, 2011 21:10

Gift fic for: orangegreenlove
From: newsficcon

Title: Original Smile
Rating: Pg-15
Pairing: KoyaPi
Warnings: FAILED attempt at something higher than PG-13. Or failed attempt at smut, whatever
Summary: In the small county side there is very little that can capture Yamapi's attention, but it's worth every minute.
Notes: That's a terrible summary, I am so sorry. I'm really just sorry entirely for this fic. KoyaPi is not my forte. BUT I did try. I tried very hard, yes. KoyaPi and with something higher than PG-13. It came out awkward though, lol as you will find out. This prompt was a bit hard, but I was glad to try it, I stepped into another area of writing skills I should develop I suppose. So despite how terrible it turned out, I really hope you enjoy it, and once again, sorry for the awkward. I'll try harder next time >.<

There is a soft breeze sweeping through the trees. The sound of summer is more defined here; much louder. Cicadas chirping all around constantly mixed with the birdsong dancing through the trees. Is this really what he has to live with, Yamapi wonders walking up the path that is surrounded by tall grass and trees. Is this how his next two years are going to be? Even as his aunt, who isn’t even actually his aunt by blood relation, pulls him into a hug after she runs to meet him from the house. He’s your typical city boy thrust into the country side.

The house is something else though, he has to admit that. It’s got to be at least a hundred years old he thinks. It creeks like no tomorrow, but the sound is somewhat settling and calming to the mind. The sliding doors move with ease, which Yamapi is grateful for, as he makes his way to his room. It’s bigger than his one back home though the few items he has don’t make it that much more lively, which causes his aunt to frown.

“We’ll have to buy you some things won’t we?” she asks from the door way.

Her tone of voice is unsettling in the back of Yamapi’s mind but he doesn’t bother to think about it. “I guess so,” He says with a shrug, closing his suitcase and sliding it into the closet.

They stare at each other for a moment before she turns and gives him a tour through the rest of the house. Yamapi thinks that was her trying to figure out how to deal with him, how she should treat him. He kind of wants to say that she doesn’t have to take care of him, that he can easily take care of himself only he can’t, not yet. This bothers him.


The early birds are chirping when Yamapi hears the door to his room slide open roughly along the track. His back is to the room but he’s wide awake, has been for hours. There’s some rustling about behind before the door slides shut again. He waits a few minutes before sitting up and looking at the lone desk put in the room for him. There’s a stack of clean clothes with a note atop them in his aunt’s tiny script that is very hard to read. He makes out the gist of the note to be that one of the mother’s from town has a boy about his size so she got some clothes for him.

“It’s just until we can figure something out for you,” She says awkwardly once he comes down for breakfast.

Yamapi can tell this is hard for her just by the way she carries herself. Far too young and unprepared to take care of a child but she’s stuck doing it for the next two years. “Sure,” is all he says before eating in silence.

He’s not exactly sure the relation or how far it goes back, but there are ties some place between his family and her on his mother’s side though he doesn’t know what they are because, well no one knows. It’s one of those mysteries that every family has. Some odd relation that goes god knows how far back and no one even bothers to figure it out.

After eating he figures it couldn’t hurt to at least get a feel of the are, though he has no idea where to start once he steps out of the house and walks up the path. He’s positive he’ll get lost despite the warning he got from his aunt to not get lost. The thought that crosses his mind a bit later when he actually is lost is that it’s easier said than done.

When in doubt, Yamapi has learned to follow his nose when lost. If you find food there is almost a hundred percent guarantee that you will find someone who can help you find your way. It hasn’t failed him yet so he sticks to that policy when the faint sent of…something comes his way so he begins to follow it until a small half restaurant half house comes into view. There isn’t an ounce of hesitation in Yamapi’s body to go inside and order something.

“A ramen shop,” he says to himself once the food is placed before him. Not something he was actually expecting, but it works.

With each bite Yamapi makes sounds of enjoyment that are defined in the partially empty shop. He’s so captivated by the taste-because he has never tasted such amazing ramen before in his life-that he doesn’t even notice until after he’s emptied his bowl another boy sitting across from him.

Normally one would jump after being startled like this, a stranger of sitting across from watching as you eat moaning in enjoyment to the meal, but Yamapi is a bit far from normal. Instead he stares back at the stranger.

“Did you enjoy it?” The boy asks. He’s got these small cat-like eyes that you can’t help but stare at.

“Yeah,” is the small reply that comes from him. He could elaborate more, but he doesn’t and just keeps looking at the boy across the table.

The boy stares at him for a moment, as if taking in his appearance. “You’re not from around here are you?”


“Did you just move here?”

“Kind of.”

“How old are you?”

“Sixteen,” he says. “You ask a lot of questions.”

The boy smiles, “It’s not every day a new face shows up around here.”

Yamapi hums in response finally looking down at his bowl before it disappears from in front of him. His eyes follow up to the other as he starts to head back with the bowl. “Ah, how much is this?" He sticks his hand in his pocket only to come up dry.

"Don't worry about it," he says with a smile before going back. Yamapi's a bit grateful.


There wasn't much to his life before he moved; there isn't much to his life now. It's actually quiet boring no matter how you think about it, Yamapi figures. After his first day of exploring the area and getting lost he figured that the best thing for a city boy who is stuck out in the country to do is to stay put. It was much easier than getting lost. Plus then he didn't have to worry about paying for food if he stumbled upon another amazing little shop.

"But don't you want to make friends?" His aunt asks him as she gets ready to head out the door for work at the little market a bit of a ways down. It isn't much, she says, but it helps.

Yamapi shrugs from his spot on the couch watching her movements; this is everyday life for her, this town. Of course his lack of wanting to go out of the house is not understood.

"You don't talk a lot do you?"

"Not really, no." Comes the reply. Much to the point, no use beating around the bush.

"But," she comes up to the back of the couch and makes eye level with him. "Won't you be bored, all alone here?"

"I can handle myself," Yamapi says before turning around and staring blankly at the old TV in the room. He's not sure if it works, he hasn't seen it on yet, but he suppose it doesn't hurt to try. Regardless, he waits a bit after she's leaves before getting up to flick the switch on.

There's a static sound in the room that lasts for a second then it stops. Yamapi flicks the switch again then waits before turning it back on. Nothing. He tries once more only to come up the same. "Broken," he sighs and sits back on the couch looking around the room.

It really is a beautiful old house, in his opinion. He's just not to interested in it, or this town. He feels out of place really.


"So you're back," comes the cheery voice of the boy from the other day.

Yamapi takes a seat at a random table, "I was bored. This is the only place I can go without getting lost."

"Right, you're new here."

Nothing more is said between them till a bowl of ramen is placed to Yamapi, he looks at it for a moment then up at the boy, "I have no way to pay for it."

"It's alright, you can keep me entertained for a while in exchange."

He's not really sure he understands the situation but doesn't question it.


Koyama, the boy from the ramen shop, is roughly the same age as Yamapi, but a great deal taller. He thinks it’d be awkward if the two of them were out walking the streets of Tokyo. Koyama’s height is something to be amazed by though, in his opinion, he doesn’t really see many people that tall. His best friend back home is the size of a bean-he sure get’s a few knocks to the head for saying that.

He’s friendly though, if not overly warm to everyone. It’s a bit comforting though, in Yamapi’s opinion, though not something you can’t help but expect from the country side.

“So is that all you do? Help at the ramen shop?”

Koyama shakes his head and smiles, “I deliver papers in the morning.”

His eyes go wide. “But that’s a lot of lad to cover.”

“There are three of us out there, Yamashita-kun.”

He only nods.

“One day I’ll stop buy after my route if you want, or before, the sunrises really are amazing.”



It isn’t for another few weeks after Yamapi’s started up his new school year in this god forsaken town does he see Koyama again. It’s more on purpose actually, a very big detour on his way home from school in the warm fall afternoon. Koyama’s outside watering a few plants his mother has about when he spots the other.

“Ehh, school’s started already? Time flies.”

Yamapi shrugs, “I guess. Don’t you go to school?”

A look crosses over his face, a cross between two things Yamapi can’t name. “I did, but a while back my dad got sick...nothing serious really. But I had to take off school for a while, one thing lead to another….”

“And you didn’t go back.” Yamapi finishes softly, a slight frown on his face.

A laugh escapes the elder. “Don’t look so distressed, finishing school wouldn’t have changed anything, I’d still be working the shop later on.”

“It’s an impressive shop though…” He says more to himself while looking around the building from the outside. It’s big and old, kind of like all the other buildings in the area. He suspects it must be one of those things handed down through the family, it seems logical.

“How’s the paper?” He deadpans once an awkward silence has fallen between them.

Koyama shrugs, “Same as ever, not much can change there, it’s just a paper route.” He laughs.

Another awkward silence falls before Yamapi feels he should probably head home.

They don’t see each other for a while after that.


It’s the middle of November when Yamapi is awoken to a loud banging outside at the most ungodly hour of the morning. He rolls over on his side hoping that it will either go away or his aunt will take care of it. He hears several floor boards creek lulling him back to sleep somehow, that is until there is a heavy weight pressed up against him and he thinks that now is seriously not the time for his mind to be playing tricks on him.

Regardless, he rolls back over to see what his sleep induced state has come up with only to see Koyama smiling back at him.

“Don’t you think it’s a bit odd to push yourself into someone else’s bed?” Yamapi asks, his voice deep with sleep.

He only shrugs, “Maybe.” They stare at each other for a while it kind of baffles Yamapi on how this doesn’t feel awkward at all but before he can say something Koyama is talking again. “Are you ready to see the sunrise?”

This is where he retreats back into his shell of blankets to hide. “Are you insane? It’s freezing out there.”

“You’ll get use to it.” Koyama replies trying to pull the mound of blankets off of Yamapi.

“I think that’s the problem.” His voice is muffled a bit a he readjusts himself to pull blanket ends close to is body locking in all the heat. “I’d rather sleep, Koyama.” He can almost hear the pout through his mound but doesn’t make any movement thinking that maybe he’ll get his way.

“Is this a rain check?”

“Will you be coming back at ungodly hours?”

“Only if you want me to.”

He pauses and pokes his head out from under the blankets to look at the other. “Maybe,” is all he replies with before retreating back into the warmth of his blankets.


They have an odd friendship, Yamapi suddenly notices one day in the middle of winter. They’re standing on top of a large hill with a thick rush of trees behind them. Koyama thinks that he was being a bit ridiculous when he stepped out of the house with a light blanket in toe.

“Don’t you think a blanket is a bit much?” He asks with a laugh taking the blanket and stuffing it into his empty basket.

“No,” comes his only reply as he climbs onto the back. It isn’t until they start moving again does he finish his thought. “It’s six am and you really expect me not to be cold in the dead of winter?”

Koyama doesn’t dignify this with more than a laugh.

He doesn’t really understand how they actually became friends or how they have some weird connection to each other. Yamapi just thinks that some how, in some weird way, Koyama actually gets him. Yeah, his friends back home understood him, but Koyama is different he thinks. It’s like he gets his unspoken thoughts and looks as if they’ve known each other for years. Or at least that’s how he feels standing up there on that hill watching the sunrise as six stupid thirty in the morning and Koyama says, “I know exactly how you feel.”

He’s on winter break, and Koyama doesn’t really have to work in the shop today so once they get back to Yamapi’s house he doesn’t hesitate to let Koyama in. His aunt is dead asleep still so he minds to keep things quiet, though it isn’t really hard since she’s said to him numerous times over the months that she forgets he’s even there sometimes. Though, in his opinion, with Koyama around it’s a bit hard. While Yamapi isn’t eating, or trying to sleep, they can get pretty rowdy.

Before Koyama can get wound up, Yamapi hands him a hot chocolate and heads up to his room. His next move is to sleep once his cup is empty.

This is another thing he find odd about their friendship, Koyama doesn’t understand personal space at times and Yamapi doesn’t mind it in the least. Sometimes, when he stops by in the mornings after his paper route to catch a few z’s, he doesn’t hesitate to slip himself into Yamapi’s bed and curl up right next to him. The first time this happened he nearly pushed him out the bed.

“Do you mind?” He asks his voice cracking out of sheer shock as he presses himself up to the wall.

“What do you mean, Yamashita-kun?”

“Why are you in my bed?”

Koyama shrugs, “I was cold and tired?”

Yamapi wonder’s if he’s stupid. “So go home?”

“But I’d rather stay here.”

For a moment he thinks that’s a bit strange but he doesn’t say it and gets comfortable back in bed. He’s noticed that every time Koyama helps himself to his bed while he’s in it, he sleeps much better. Koyama is indeed a strange friend.


To his surprise, the next year or so passes smoothly. Yamapi had just graduated and is in the process of trying to find a way to move back to Tokyo, his efforts are really crappy though since he isn’t trying to hard. He’s really just spending more time with Koyama in the ramen shop. He figures it’s about three months before his aunt asks him what he plans on doing, by then he plans on having himself set up to leave. For now he’s much more interested in watch Koyama walk around the ramen shop, actually, he’s interested in watching Koyama’s ass as he walks around the shop.

They have a complicated relationship, he thinks. In his opinion it’s more than friends but less than anything else. To the eyes of everyone else, they’re just a pair of odd friends. He’s not sure how it happened, he just remembers that one day in the middle of winter when he was seventeen and Koyama kissed him outside as they walked back to his house.

“What…?” is all that he could get out.

Koyama blushes and looks down, “I’m sorry. I just… Has anyone ever told you your lips look really kissable?”

Yamapi kind of laughs. “Is that a compliment?”

“If you want it to be.” Koyama smiles.
“How many people have you told that line to?” They come up to his house and he leans on the obnoxious gate.

“Only one.”

This only makes Yamapi laugh a bit more, “You really are strange Koyama,” he says then goes inside.

They had more times like this since then, random kisses that mean nothing but each time Yamapi notices how much his heart beats afterwards and he’s left a little hyper aware when everyone touches him after that.


Summers get really hot sometimes which leaves Yamapi sweaty and sticky if he stays in his room for too long. It took weeks of finding him asleep in the morning on the floor in the living room before his aunt even considered to buy an air conditioner for his room. It’s the soft hum and the straight stream of air coming from the tiny machine in his window that remind him of home. He tries not to dwell on it to much, but those early mornings when he can’t sleep and is just lying in bed, he does.

It seems to be the same mornings though when Koyama shows up and takes up space in his bed. To him, the room is always way to cold and he buries himself deep down under the covers. This amuses Yamapi as he watches the other. It’s usually mornings like this where Koyama, after he eventually pulls himself from the blanket mound, places small light kisses on his face which Yamapi happily returns with kisses of his own.

Unlike most mornings things get a little more heated up when Koyama rolls himself on top of him kissing him fully on the lips. It doesn’t take long for Yamapi to get into the kiss before he opens his lips and slides a tongue along Koyama’s bottom lip, asking, hoping for entrance. Yamapi never pinned Koyama to be an aggressive kisser but maybe it’s the mere thought of his aunt just down the hall and his door that can’t be locked that has him so into it.

They break apart from the kissing battle and Koyama’s lips are swollen and red, a look that he much prefers on the taller, not that he’s ever going to voice that. Instead he enjoys the soft feather light touches that are Koyama’s fingers trailing along his stomach pushing his shirt up. He knows full well where this is going, having watched enough porn with his best friends when he was fifteen and sixteen years old.

Sitting up and using his arms to keep himself up, Yamapi places kisses along Koyama’s neck and exposing collarbones. He’s pretty sure that the extreme v-neck shirt was worn on purpose today but the thought quickly leaves him when Koyama moves just a certain way on his lap and he can feel their erections pressed together through jeans and he has to clear his throat to suppress a moan. He wraps his arms around the other’s waist before letting himself fall back onto his pillows, leaving little nips at Koyama’s neck.

For a while they stay like that, Yamapi’s hand tailing along his lower back and leaving kisses on his neck but soon he lets his hands go lower and takes firm hold of Koyama’s butt. It’s just as soft as it looked the other day, he thinks but doesn’t get to say this out loud since now Koyama is sitting up, rocking his hips against Yamapi’s while trying to push his shirt up, which he gladly lets him do.

Their shirts are long gone and now Yamapi is having a really hard time keeping quiet, especially with Koyama placing kisses right above his waist and if it wasn’t for the fact that he still has pants on he would feel no shame in asking him to go down on him, just so he could feel the sweet release. As it would seem though Koyama is taking much joy in teasing him because a hand just slipped down his pants and is palming him through his boxers. He lets out a not so quiet moan and that is exactly when the floor boards down the hall start to creak and all movement in the room stops. Koyama and Yamapi look at each other before the younger manages to whisper “I think we should stop.”

There’s a look of disappointment in Koyama’s eyes as he detached himself from him and Yamapi almost feels bad but then he seems the light shadow of his aunt pass his room and he thinks their timing couldn’t have been better as he pulls his shirt over his head.

Despite the huge let down, there is significant change in what their relationship is now; at least that’s how it feels though he doesn’t say anything out loud. He can tell just by the kisses they share those mornings when Koyama slips in his bed or by the looks they share. He feels as if they’re maybe possibly a couple of some sort, just unspoken. It’s that feeling though that has him placing small kisses on Koyama’s lips while he waits for the train back to Tokyo at the end of that summer, saying in a low voice that he will visit for sure when he can.

This is when Koyama smiles and says softly, “I’d much prefer it if I came there.”

“And why is that?” The distance between them is little and their voices low. Almost no one is paying attention to them, at least they think.

“No interruptions.”

It’s that line that has Yamapi laughing loudly as the train comes into sight in the distance then letting it self be known by the loud horn. “How many people have you used that line on?”

“Only one.”

r: pg13, p: koyama/yamapi

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