Gift fic for ryogrande

Sep 15, 2011 09:00

Title: This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Koyama/Yamapi, one sided Koyama/Tegoshi
Warnings: Fragmented storyline, mentions of het, talk on sexual preferences
Summary: “What can I say, I’m a super good, super bad superman.” Yamapi might be right about that.
Notes: Enjoy, ryogrande!

People like to say that Koyama’s full of ‘feelings’ and that he cries bucket sized tears at the littlest of things, like abandoned puppies or when Tegoshi trips over and falls flat on his face (then again, they had only just started out). Sometimes, Koyama thinks they’re right. )

r: nc17, c: koyama, p: koyama/yamapi, c: yamapi, p: koyama/tegoshi, c: tegoshi

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sanjihan September 16 2011, 15:16:55 UTC
So there's not much I don't love about this fic, and the rest I like. XD I really enjoyed the ambiguous sort of feel of this, the perpetuation of Koyama's love for Pi even though he never really knows for certain if it's requited. I love Pi's dreamy/thoughtful nature and the ways he keeps trying to tell Koyama he loves him without actually committing to it (sneaky bastard).

This deserves its own paragraph because EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TEGOKOYA <3 <3 <3 There was NOTHING not perfect about their interactions and I think I might have gone into squee-induced blackout at the scene where Tegoshi is seriously telling him that he will come for him one day and win him, when he's more grown up, and Koyama just as seriously telling him that he'll wait. *happysigh* My heart.

BUT it worked out for KoyaPi in a strange, fucked up sort of way that I liked, Koyama resisting Pi because he didn't want them to just screw, he wanted to be loved. <3 And poooooor Ryo. XD He was amazing.

But I think what I loved ALMOST as much as the KoyaPi and TegoKoya was MASSU!!!! He was a sweet little shit in this. <3 KoyaMassu interactions are some of my favorite in NewS and you really captured some of their spirit, I think. <3

Fantastic. Thank you!


reiicharu September 26 2011, 12:52:56 UTC

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