Gift fic for ryogrande

Sep 15, 2011 09:00

Title: This Ugly Yet Beautiful World
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Koyama/Yamapi, one sided Koyama/Tegoshi
Warnings: Fragmented storyline, mentions of het, talk on sexual preferences
Summary: “What can I say, I’m a super good, super bad superman.” Yamapi might be right about that.
Notes: Enjoy, ryogrande!

People like to say that Koyama’s full of ‘feelings’ and that he cries bucket sized tears at the littlest of things, like abandoned puppies or when Tegoshi trips over and falls flat on his face (then again, they had only just started out). Sometimes, Koyama thinks they’re right. )

r: nc17, c: koyama, p: koyama/yamapi, c: yamapi, p: koyama/tegoshi, c: tegoshi

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ryogrande September 15 2011, 17:25:13 UTC
okay, i can't wait any longer.


koyama. is. perfect. i seriously love how he was written, how much he loved yamapi no matter what and especially how he treated him in his mind and in dialogue. i'm glad koyama supports yamapi solo, because so do i, and i'm really glad that his love goes beyond the group.

EVERY WORD OUT OF RYO'S MOUTH WAS GOLD. i was seriously howling in laughter, omg. i can't even pick a favorite one, i loved them all. i was annoying my tlist with them. xD

EVERYONE ELSE. i kept smiling whenever there were background interactions. ryo and massu and shige and TEGOSHI OMG POOR UNAPOLOGETICALLY SELFISH TEGOSHI, then there was JIN and lol a shirota name-drop and i just loved them all.

the kat-tun mentions! icu, song titles. also, ryo's threats to switch with nakamaru, rofl. i really appreciate you putting those in there as well, because i love kat-tun and i'm happy to see them in my news fic! :D

again, tegoshi was precious. i have NO idea what compelled you to include the unrequited koyatego, but somehow i found it comforting alongside all of the angst. especially the part where tegoshi was like "someday i'll grow up and you can take me seriously," and the line about being a boy in a man's body.

thank you, anon, i can see your heart in this fic and i wholly appreciate your time and effort. ♥


reiicharu September 26 2011, 09:46:54 UTC

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