fic for jacinthe86

Sep 03, 2010 21:21

Gift fic for: jacinthe86
From: elizajet

Title: Push
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryo/Shige
Warnings: general disturbing content, mindfuckery, death (not main characters), angst, dubious consent, sex
Summary: Shige is slipping further into the abyss. Can Ryo help him find his way out, or will he just push him further in?
Notes: Thanks to C for being there for ideas and help, P for betaing and being a sounding board, and V, R, M and M for helping me in general. I hope you enjoy this, jacinthe86 , it’s quite outside of the box, but I thought it would be interesting!

Ryo heard his doorbell chime and walked lazily to the genkan. Opening the door, he found Shige standing there looking dazed. "Ryo, it happened again," he said, his words catching in his throat, walking forward into Ryo's arms as his face fell. With Shige's face against his shoulder, he felt his sobs resound against his sharp collarbone.

"Don't worry," was all Ryo said as Shige clung to him, wrenching sobs shaking both his and Ryo's bodies with their intensity, like the tremors of an earthquake. Ryo's right hand reached up to stroke Shige's hair, the sobs dissipating slowly with every pass of his hand.

"Ryo," Shige muttered sadly, his hand reaching for Ryo's left one, fingers intertwining clumsily. The older man continued his motions, talking to Shige in a voice that almost sounded like humming, even and steady, reassuring him that everything would be ok.

Sated, Shige followed Ryo's directive to move to the couch, laying his head on Ryo's lap as the smaller man sat down first.

Ryo watched as Shige's eyelids fought against sleep, fluttering back and forth until the call of Morpheus won and he slipped into a restless state of unconsciousness.

"Don't worry," Ryo repeated, smiling softly as he patted Shige's hair absentmindedly.


“Ryo,” Shige breathed, his moan catching in his throat as Ryo’s hand skillfully divested him of his clothing, his tongue tracing the heated path his fingers left behind. This treatment was the very salve his wounds needed, having appeared on Ryo’s doorstep not long before, shaken to his very core.

Ryo’s hands moved slowly, savoring every inch of Shige’s tanned skin under his rough fingertips. Shige didn’t respond much, if at all, instead enjoying the comforting feel of Ryo’s touch on his body, the sheen of nervous sweat soon dissipating as the heat of fear abandoned him.

“Shige,” Ryo said gruffly, his teeth scraping the nape of Shige’s neck, sending an icy shiver down Shige’s spine, Ryo’s arms wrapped firmly around his slim waist.

With practiced hands and routine motions, Ryo disrobed Shige quickly, his fingers roaming Shige’s body without boundaries, mind focused on every contour and dip he felt.

“Just relax,” Ryo said and Shige’s mind went blank.

Ryo stopped to take his clothes off in a few swift motions, Shige standing there and looking at him with emotionless eyes.

“Bed,” Ryo said simply and Shige acquiesced, following Ryo as he curled up against the solidness of Ryo’s torso, the comforting feel of his forehead resting against Ryo’s chest lulling him into a deep silence.

Ryo didn’t speak as he reached for the lube and the condom on the bedside table, taking care not to dislodge Shige who scooted to the side along with Ryo as Ryo moved.

Shige rolled over and Ryo prepared him, taking extra care to go slow and make it easy for Shige. Shige himself didn’t seem to mind, closing his eyes with every stroke of Ryo’s fingers, mewling a bit in pleasure.

Ryo’s other hand drifted down to bring himself to full erection, not taking much effort as Shige was splayed out in front of him ready for the taking.

“Shige?” Ryo asked, crooking his finger in a manner that had Shige arching himself up off the mattress.

“Ready?” Ryo questioned him, to which Shige responded with a mere nod.

Ryo thrust into Shige with one fluid forward motion, grunting as he was engulfed by Shige’s nearly-virginal body, the tightness causing his breath to hitch, almost in a staccato pattern.

Shige moaned lightly, cuddling up backwards against Ryo but making no efforts to meet Ryo’s pistoning movements.

Ryo groaned, his hands clutching onto Shige as if he would disappear into the ether at any moment.

Shige’s breath caught in his throat at the heat inside of him, strong hands encircling his waist. He stilled, letting Ryo's weight against his back comfort him.

Shige would never do this if he was in his right mind.


Shige stood in the park, the dim glitter of the streetlights illuminating his skin as he stared down at his hands, not knowing why they were streaked with red.

He couldn’t remember how he had gotten back to sitting on this bench in the middle of the park by his house. The last thing he remembered was thinking that he had run out of green tea and he should probably go pick up some more.

But instead of having a bag from the nearby grocery store in his hands, he held a tattered shirt-red and blue plaid-which had undoubtedly come from someone who had been through quite a bit of trauma.

It was large for him, and he couldn’t recall the circumstances that had led him here.

It couldn’t be Koyama’s because it wasn’t his taste (he wouldn’t be caught dead in a color so unflattering to his complexion unless forced), and it couldn’t be Ryo’s because it was just far too big . But besides those two places, Shige couldn’t think of anywhere else he would have visited at a moment’s notice. He even gave fair warning to his parents so they could prepare for his visits (his mother hated anything being out of place when people visited, even him).

The only trace he had of his whereabouts in the past few hours (according to his cell phone three hours had passed) was the soaked shirt in his hands. It made his blood run cold.

He felt an overwhelming urge to throw it in the bushes and flee, not understanding why he had it or why he felt such a deep urge to panic. He normally wasn’t one to flip out; he was usually very level-headed and collected when it came to most things.

Twisting the fabric around his fingers, he decided that perhaps now was not the time to think things through and that going with his gut would be the best idea. However, even his gut realized the foolhardiness of tossing this blood-stained shirt into shrubbery in a public place

Shoving the shirt into his backpack, he went to the only person that he thought could make sense of this whole mess.


Ryo quickly prepared cups of tea to soothe Shige’s frazzled nerves as he sat on Ryo’s couch, fiddling with the fabric of the blanket loosely slung over the back of the couch.

“What’s wrong?” Ryo said, after letting Shige use the bathroom to shower and scrub off all of the blood and general messiness left on his skin after the “incident”.

“It just keeps happening over and over. I don’t know where I am, or what I just did, and the blood…” Shige said, his voice cracking as he failed to completely describe the images that flashed through his head within a few minutes whenever he closed his eyes.

To make it even worse, the shrill screams and vile sounds of steel slicing through flesh accompanied this macabre slideshow.

There was no solace from this torment.

Ryo shook his head as Shige began to break down, Shige leaning over with his hands fisted in his hair, elbows resting on his knees. As if he was desperate to forget these things Shige shook his head back and forth wildly.

“Stop,” Ryo said, running his hands up and down Shige’s neck and back after scooting closer, his hands stilling Shige’s erratic motions before they dissolved quickly into sobs.

“Shh…it’s ok Shige. You don’t know what you’re doing. It’s not your fault. Maybe it’s all just nightmares, or someone is planting this stuff on you,” Ryo said, trying to rationalize the strange mishaps and incidents of the past few days.

Shige nodded weakly and lifted his head to meet Ryo’s eyes, exhaustion reading clear on his face. Shige allowed his body to relax as Ryo moved closer.

“You’re a good person, Shige. You know that? No matter what you do, I always think you are wonderful,” Ryo whispered, his fingers ghosting over Shige’s jaw.

Shige sighed in pleasure as Ryo repeated his affirmations, reassuring Shige that there was nothing wrong with him and that nothing was his fault.

Ryo always knew how to make things better, Shige thought dreamily as Ryo’s strong arms encircled his shaking body.


Ryo waited until he knew Shige was truly asleep to relax. He could tell Shige was dead to the world due to the soft little snores he was emitting and the deep rise and fall of his chest.

Curled up like a shrimp on his futon, Shige looked innocent and harmless; the red tear trails streaked on his face the only evidence of the night’s prior trauma. The rest of him looked untouched and pure, his hands curling on the blanket that Ryo had draped over him like a child.

Ryo leaned over, stroking his cheek gently, making sure not to wake him, his touch feather-light and deliberate. Smiling benevolently, Shige relaxed instinctively to Ryo’s familiar closeness.

“You know why I do this don’t you?” Ryo asked, his fingers sliding down to intertwine with Shige’s, uncurling the fist that had been formed around the pink, polka-dotted fleece.

“Tomorrow will be a good day for both of us. I think you’ll do well with this one, he’s pretty but not fragile, so there will be a good fight between the two of you,” Ryo said quietly, leaning forward as if pouring the ideas into Shige’s ear with every word.

“Yes,” Shige breathed, obviously not awake but somehow still understanding what Ryo was telling him, acquiescing to whatever he was being bid to do.

“Good, let me tell you where he is and how you’ll do it this time,” Ryo said, his voice a deep purr. Nuzzling Shige’s neck, he smiled darkly as Shige’s body reacted and moved against him.

Tomorrow would be a good day. Ryo was sure of it.


The darkness cloaked the alley like tar spilling onto cement, turning the dusky purple-grey sky into a pitch-black mystery.

Ryo stood quietly in the shadows of the corner he had chosen to watch from, his tension high as he waited for the event to start.

It didn’t take long before the two men entered the alley, one obviously drunk and enjoying the attentions of someone famous, the other mechanical in movement, intent on his mission.

“I can’t believe that a Johnny would be interested in someone like me,” the pretty, anonymous guy slurred, his dyed dark blonde hair glistening under the dim lamplight.

“You’re hot,” Shige said, pinning the other man’s hands against the wall, avoiding his kisses and scraping his teeth along the man’s jaw instead.

Shige could feel the man getting hard against him. Bastard, he thought with disgust, remembering how much disdain the other man had held for Shige before he discovered that he was famous. But once he had realized it, he’d fallen all over himself to please “Kato-sama”, his legs practically falling open in invitation.

Fuck him, Shige thought, ignoring the moans and little coquettish mewls that came from the slim man dressed like a host club reject.

He knew what he had to do, he thought, digging in his back pocket. The man crooned approvingly, assuming that he was looking for something of an entirely different sort.

Ryo’s breath caught as his hand slipped down the front of his pants. Shige was so hot when he was in this frenzied state, completely unaware of what he was doing yet so in control of the target. His hands finding his cock, Ryo began to stroke up and down slowly, wanting to prolong the pleasure, knowing it would take awhile for Shige to finish what he was about to start.

Shige smirked at the drunken asshole hanging on him, his fingers clenching around the small blade he had tucked away. While the asshole thought he was going to grab for a condom and prepare to fuck him into the wall, Shige had other plans.

“Oh…Kato-sama,” the man breathed when Shige moved very close to him.

His breath caught on a choked gurgle when Shige drove the slim blade deep into his torso, blood trickling out and staining his ruffled white shirt.

The man managed to get a grip on Shige’s wrist despite his shock, but his struggles were futile was futile as Shige had already attacked him and he was losing blood quickly.

Shige smirked and dragged the knife across his abdomen in a clean cut, the effect dramatic. Ryo’s hand moved in a frenetic pace, bringing himself closer to falling over the edge. Ryo’s teeth dug so far into his bottom lip that droplets of blood spilled out, filling Ryo’s mouth with the coppery tang.

Shige smiled sadistically as the victim grunted and flailed, trying to fight off the blade that had managed to cut red zigzags across his body, the cotton of his shirt now hanging in tatters that fluttered in the night breeze like streamers.

The man screamed but nothing could be heard but gurgled screams as Shige’s hand closed around his throat. His silent pleas for death went ignored as Shige toyed with him, slashing haphazardly at his luminescent skin, glowing pearl-white under the dim lights of the back alley.

Ryo felt his body stiffen. He was close, and the man being killed was weakening. It was such a pity that someone so beautiful, with endless eyes, sharp cheekbones and a strong chest, had to die, but it was necessary.

Shige was close to the end of this cat-and-mouse game, the now-whimpering was becoming a bore to him, the fire in his eyes dying out, snuffed out little by little with each drop of blood escaping from his multiple cuts.

“Beg me,” Shige said, looking at the dying man’s eyes as he slumped against the brick wall.

“Please…make it stop,” he whispered.

As if slaughtering a lamb, Shige’s knife slipped across the other’s throat easily, the trickle of scarlet intensifying as he slid to his knees.

Silently, Shige jammed the knife straight into his heart. If there was any chance he was alive after the slitting of his throat, his death was assured now.

Ryo hissed inwardly, one last pump of his hand as he came all over his hand.

The now dead man’s face, formerly frozen in a mask of horror, relaxed in a semblance of peace. Shige gave him one last careless glance, a horrifying out-of-character smirk growing across his handsome face.

Ryo shivered in delight at the look, knowing that this was easily the most terrifying of the acts Shige has committed so far, and he would need plenty of comfort when he “snapped out of it” around an hour or so later.

Ryo could hardly wait to hear Shige’s footsteps in his genkan.


Shige’s breaths came out in ragged sobs as he clutched his knees to his chest.

Having these types of visions wasn’t normal. Seeing people being slashed to death while his own face remained devoid of emotion and cold, seeing his hands caked with rusty brown remnants of a dirty crime he couldn’t remember, it wasn’t normal.

None of this could be real, none of this made sense.

But the one person who would listen to him, who Shige had confided in over and over, told him he was a good person. He told him that there was no way that he had committed those things, that he was innocent and it was merely a strange phenomenon.

Ryo told him the things he wanted and needed to hear, the things that would explain the strange nightmares that swam in his mind on an increasingly frequent basis.

Shige thought something was wrong, he couldn’t trust himself because he was clearly going insane. It meant he would have to trust in someone else.

And wouldn’t a wiser and kind senpai and friend be the logical choice?

There was nothing else that Shige could hold on to.

So when Ryo’s arms closed in around him and his voice murmured reassurances that nothing was wrong, Shige took those words and locked them in a safe place in his head, repeating them like mantras whenever he found himself in a spot like this.

There’s nothing wrong and I’m a good person. he repeated with increasing urgency.

Because Ryo said so.

r: nc17, c: ryo, p: ryo/shige, c: shige

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