fic for miss_jelly

Sep 02, 2010 17:57

Gift fic for: miss_jelly
From: changetje

Title: The Way We Were
Pairing: Kato Shigeaki x Yamashita Tomohisa, mentioning of other pairings.
Rating: R
Genre: AU, angst, some romance.
Warnings: Angst, sex, power abuse, mentioning of character death
Summary: By accident, Shige ends up in an old mansion. But why do all the inhabitants act so weird? And who is this man ( Read more... )

p: shige/yamapi, c: yamapi, r: r, c: shige

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miss_jelly September 2 2010, 19:02:42 UTC
*A* you. are so damn good. I'm actually a little shocked at this, this was fanfuckingtastic and had me on my toes the entire time, my heart was beating all over the place XD I really didn't expect to get something like this from the request I left, but somehow you seemed to know my tastes, anyway, haaahahaha. Summary: I love you and I love you.

The whole atmosphere of this was amazing, the entire thing had me in suspense and sucked me in from beginning to finish. The beginning gave me a bit of a 'Beauty and the Beast' feel, only significantly creepier, haha. I'm still a little conflicted over who the Master is, even though it feels like it should be the obvious choice, but you never know XD; But I really liked that feeling of mystery around him and how he's never given a name.

The characters *__* Ueda seems to pop up in fics for me, lately, and it's never a bad thing. I love his position in this, the strong one with no power. Cameos by Jin and Yamada as the bad guy in Shige's past was just. love. yes. Ryo had me so curious, I was put-off by him, at first, but now I'm just really curious continuation?. :'D Tegoshi's role was another shocker, and the way his story intertwined with the Master's and then ended was straight out of a movie, I loved it, the drama and the tension. Pi's story was really interesting, and his understanding towards Shige and the others was really Pi-like, I enjoyed that. All of the characters seemed so like themselves as we see them, even in such a strange AU setting.

And the shower scene. Shower. Yes. I feel like I'm rambling unnecessarily, here XD but you got me all giddy, so. Shige and his camera, I love how you played on that, making people think he was simply a photographer that cherished his camera and then whipping that assumption from under our feet, the same with Ryo's story and his perceived craziness. This was so full of twists and turns, and then the endless number of files making you wonder how long this all has been going on or how long it will go on, so many possibilities *___* Am I still making sense? XD; But yes, the mystery was really interesting and I keep reading through this and falling deeper in love.

The ending, just as mysterious as the rest *__* Love it, love that you let my imagination run wild with theories and possibilities, love it.

if we're not already friends, I may have to stalk you

I mean, thanks so much 8D This was beyond what I was expecting and I may spend way too much time rereading it and being a creeper. ♥ This comment seems too short to fully express how much I loved it, but I think I've rambled enough XD; In short, ♥♥♥♥♥


changetje September 13 2010, 09:55:13 UTC
Oh God, you have NO IDEA how happy your comment makes me *______* ♥ The first time, I read it with a huge grin on my face (just like now) and I wanted to comment at once, but I couldn't. But now I can, so: sal;dl;a'dlsa' I am SO GLAD you liked the fic. I really had no idea what to write you. I seriously started five new fics, but every time I ended up hating it. And then this idea popped into my head. And I decided to take the chance and write it. So I am super happy you liked it this much, because it seems like it turned out well :D (And because I kind of wrote the entire thing in 2 days, lol.)

Ahaha, if you want, I can tell you who the Master is xD It's not that hard to guess. I did give some hints, right? I didn't want to give away too much, or else it would take away the mystery around the Master~

Yeah, Ueda just ninja'd himself into this story XD I was planning on him being Uchi at first, but then realized I don't know anything about Uchi, so he slowly became Ueda. Writing Ryo was really interesting and fun, just like Pi. I think Pi is my favourite in this story (: And oooh, the ending X_X It was so hard to write. I even rewrote it twice to make sure it all made sense (because the first time it really didn't XD). But I'm glad you liked the ending that much!

Just - I'm really so glad you liked it. Gah, thanks so much for such a huge comment, that makes me so happy ♥♥♥ And I agree, why aren't we friends yet? 8D.


miss_jelly September 15 2010, 04:18:51 UTC
aah! LJ didn't tell me about your reply, that dirty devil.

Well, you had it coming, what with the awesome you gave me :'Dv
XDDD it did turn out awesome, and now I'm even more impressed lol

ooo~ curiosity is getting the best of me, I do wanna know if my suspicions were right or not >_>

Ueda is slick like that :p

Dude, this fic made me insanely happy, I need to return the favor for, like, forever XDDDD;;; f-friends? 8'D


changetje September 25 2010, 19:45:10 UTC
OMG, I'm sorry I'm so late with replying DX Life has been pretty hectic on me the last few weeks. But yes, I want to be friends! If you still wanna be friends with me .__.

The Master is Kame XD


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