Will I ever see you again? Is there no one above I can put my faith in?

Oct 24, 2007 21:44

I had been craving it: more Supernatural. My Dean-charge was low, despite a marvelous-yet-angsty thread with Prometheus that began as playing drunk and ended with "shit, where's my family?" for both the Titan and the Deeeeeean. So, like a smartie, I watched "Home," and am about 3/4 of the way through "Tall Tales."

I had thoughts -- or questions, I guess -- about the arc of Season 3 that I've been meaning to tally up. Mostly it has to do with the way 1 and 2 had big honking bits of parallelism to organize the storyline. I swear to god these sound a lot more significant in my head. Just a few examples:
  • Sam falling into Dean's arms and flopping in "Home" prefigures the end of "All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1)." (This looks way lamer typed out than it did in my head. SOMEWHERE THERE IS AN ORGANIZING PRINCIPLE, I HOPE THINK.)
  • "In My Time of Dying" begins with Sam yelling out Dean's name; "All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1)" ends with Dean yelling out Sam's name.
  • We lose Winchesters with every premiere and finale. In "Pilot" and "In My Time of Dying," it's Mary and John; in "Devil's Trap," "In My Time of Dying," "All Hell Breaks Loose," and arguably "The Magnificent Seven," we lose Sam and Dean over and over again. I know, I know Dean's fate is the show's fate, with regards to its renewal or cancelation (thanks for teaching me that much, Studio 60), but I keep trying to figure out what to expect based on what we've seen early on this season. (He'll definitely live if there's another season, but if there's not, it could go either way. Still, they've killed him off twice already: the third time should stick, in theory. *CLINGS*)
  • We have MotW/character development episodes in Season 1 up through 1x06, "Skin." I know "Bad Day at Black Rock" has been drawing "Tale Tales"/"Hollywood Babylon" comparisons; those bookended "Born Under a Bad Sign," which may be one of my favorite episodes of the whole series, and "What Is And What Should Never Be," one of the hardest-hitting hours of TV just about ever. I'm waiting for an intense Plot Episode -- I'm not sure "Sin City," tomorrow's show, will be that just yet. We may still be in that exposition phase, since we have to rev up the show again after the emotional suckerpunch of, oh, all of Season 2.
  • I guess I thought my thoughts were way more organized and significant than they actually were. But I'm just -- the more I watch the first two seasons, the more I notice how tight the story structures are. And if those hold, maybe it'll be possible to see, vaguely, where the light's being shone for later episodes. I am not spoiling myself beyond week-to-week, and I understand there's information available online up through 3x10. I'm not touching any of that yet, so if you feel the need to comment on that stuff here, please restrain yourself. Anything else, though, please please please! Your thoughts, show me them!

    By the way, anyone who wants caps of Sam and Dean's "ONE MILLIONTH CUSTOMER!" faces, amble on over here.

    I have reason to believe that I will be able to buy myself that new computer after the first of the month. After that, baby, I will actually be able to watch things that are not Supernatural. I will be able to finish Season 4 of The West Wing and Season 1 of Dark Angel (which will allow me to progress to the second season, which is full of Jensen!). I will be able to listen to all the music I've purchased since July; I will finally get to hear what Spencer Dickinson sounds like! All that and making rent too -- I love having a job.

    Also coming next month -- NaNo! I'm going to be posting my novel at dragstormaround. It doesn't have a set title yet, but it's about the blues and love and the Mississippi River and Chicago and St. Louis and a string of murders and the 1930's and the 1870's and state lines and photojournalism and a talking redbone coonhound named Deanne. The main protagonists are named Hasil and Eleanor: this excites me a great deal. I intend to be completely shameless, and my icons should already inform you that Certain Rock Personas have managed to infiltrate the story. But if it goes the way I hope, it'll be quite unlike stories I've tried to tell in the past (even though, thinking about it, I can see the similarities between this and gruoch_whofell, which I need distance from before I can start again). Anyway, the point of all this is, feel free to friend the journal! I think the content will, as per usual, be friendslocked, in the event that I should ever, y'know, finish and want to publish the sucker. :) Every time I start out, I keep thinking this is the one -- my heart'll probably get broken, but damn, will it be a good ride.
  • peer pressure was real (spn), writing, milliways, black-eyed blues, nano, screencaps

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