Aw, hell. Tonight I have to write my Malthus paper or die. I really, really don't want to. This is not new. (Oho! And
lindensphinx just walked through the door and brought me When Love Speaks, courtesy of Amazon!)
Honest to Gollum, I just want to sleep.
8:35 *FACEPALM/HEADDESK OTP* Instead of writing the paper, I have spent the past hour explaining the different castes of prostitutes in Havenharbor, as well as creating unintentional subtext on top of the already heavy Fulk-likes-Oliver-but-Oliver-is-oblivious vibe of earlier chapters. AY ME. better news, it's a thousand words under my belt, and I can reward myself with writing more if I get this paper done at a reasonable hour? Oh, wishful thinking.