Moral dilemma. Also, GIP.

Nov 27, 2005 23:35

Okay. So as far as NaNo goes, I'm about two-thirds done. In a sense. I have written a little over 33,000 words in these past 27 days. I have about 13,000 other words that are part of the story, but were written around January-March of this past year. Do I use them for my wordcount, and push through 4,000 more words to win, or acknowledge that it's not been done honestly, and let actual winners like mayhap have their well-deserved glory? Or does it matter?

For those following the Big Geeky Fantasy Epic, there's no question of whether it'll be finished or not. It will be. Just not in the next three days. I will still be posting on the filter, though, so no being a horrible WIP-ly author for me.

(Incidentally, today on the car ride back up to the Columbus airport, my parents were reading The Half-Blood Prince aloud and this, combined with a second viewing of Goblet of Fire this weekend, really made me want to write HP fic. Specifically, Viktor Krum fic. Part of me really wants to have another go at what irisbleu and I started many moons ago, because my interpretation of Viktor is so opposite the movie's. Also, it occurred to me that the stupid paringsquash name of any Viktor/Sirius story would be Krack, and that really amused me.)

Oh, right, yes! Back in Chicago now. Malthus paper still unwritten, Camus et al. still very much unread. Bloody quarteritis: I don't even care by this point, except to hate myself for not getting it done. For now... feh. Big Geeky Fantasy Epic for now.

nano, hp

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