Happy Steve Rogers' birthday, friends! What a great, on-the-nose birthday -- ten for you on subtlety, Marvel! So last night I did a double feature of The First Avenger and The Winter Soldier. It was delightful, so I put
my liveblog in Storify. Some fics that I would like to see fandom (or me, I guess?) address:
Explaining why the hell neither of the SHIELD dudes know what the Valkyrie is or could be when they arrive (actually fascinating possibilities about deep-classified material and how the SSR lied to the world about what happened to Steve for all those years!)
Bucky deciding that the Stark Expo is where he wants to spend his last night stateside
Whatever Erskine is doing at the Stark Expo; trawling for Rebirth candidates at the recruiting station, or?
Memoirs from the candidates who weren’t chosen for Rebirth; not even Hodge, just random dudes, “I was almost Cap!” National Enquirer-style decades later
And that's just the first half-hour! Side note: I'm remembering this fic I read I don't know when, but it's a longer, maybe 20K gen piece about Steve right as he joins the USO, and he needs a crash course in dance and stage presence, so he's whisked off to a theater somewhere in New York with a bunch of chorus girls for a week or so. I've gone through my recs,
mcugen and my AO3 history, but I can't find it. Is this ringing any bells for anyone?
So, plans for today:
Set up this large portable desk easel that I finally bought yesterday and see how it is. (ETA: It's great!) Turns out that I wasn't just buying the easel, but an entire acrylic painting set, so, uh, at some point I guess it'll be worth my while to learn that, but for now, I really just wanna make comics.
Make this again, because I'm running pretty low on groceries, but we'll figure that out tomorrow.
Pack up all the books that I bought yesterday (comics! a short novel!), pump my bike tires, break out my brand-new bathing suit, hope that the top doesn't come untied and go stake out a sunny spot in a park, because trolololo, Coney Island, you may be close, but not today, pal. Not today.
Rooftop grilling and fireworks with friends!
The news already looks incredibly stupid, so I'm going to avoid it as much as humanly possible. Fireworks! My favorite holiday, tied for first with Halloween! Summer! What a good Monday!
This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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