The trouble with words

Jul 03, 2016 10:33

So I've sort of fallen into this hole over the weekend, and I want to say "porn hole" but there's NO WAY to make that sound either good or not like the popular Midwestern bro pastime cornhole. However. In the course of trying to figure out whether I should write Sharon/Bucky, Steve/Sharon, Wanda/Sharon or Peggy/Pvt. Lorraine next, I... have some recs.

The following are both by
nighimpossible and require being logged in to AO3, just fyi.

the blood in your mouth is Bucky is a vampire, Steve is an NYU art student, present day, and I was skeptical, because vampires and Stucky both bore me, but this one is funny. It's super dry and I really, really enjoyed it.

you've got blood on your hands is less funny, but it takes on a scenario that I really wish more writers explored, which is the possibility that Bucky gets his memories back and he's furious at Steve. My reasons for that narrative choice are different from what this writer's are, but I started to cover that in Why Talk About Love, so I feel on my way about getting that interpretation out there.

So like. Then I fell into the Wanda/Natasha tag, and these two stories. Like. Neither of them bear any resemblance to the characters, but IDK, I really enjoyed them all the same.

Salmon_Pink wrote Feel the Give, and it's about butt plugs. Like. That's it, that's the fic.

dollylux fooled me for the first long while of this 20K slow-build, A Little Room to Sway: It begins basically very sweet and full of innocent and not-so-innocent longing, and then it gets to the sex, and it's kind of -- RECORD SCRATCH? But I'm okay with it. Again, neither Natasha nor Wanda really resemble their canon counterparts at all, but it's set in the early months after AoU, and it turns out I'm pretty interested in that period and that new team dynamic and setting.

So I learned something about myself there. (And if anyone has any prompts for the pairings up top... gimme a shout in the comments, I might write something.)

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

fic rec

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