Requests/preferences - SSR Confidential

Apr 02, 2016 19:36

Dear lovely SSR Confidante! Thank you so much for making something for me. I can't wait to see it! Obviously the first rule of fanwork exchanges is that you should have fun with it, so I hope you enjoy making the thing you make.

Okay, offloading headcanons and preferences: Both m/m and Jack Thompson leave me pretty cold, but I am one zillion percent here for gen, as well as m/f, f/f and enthusiastic bisexuals. I adore Jason Wilkes and find him super fascinating and charming, but I made the ugliest happy noises when Peggy and Sousa smooched, and frankly I'm super rooting for them, so if you feel like writing or arting something romantical, they're my favorite option. (I am also one zillion percent here for Edwin and Ana falling and being in love. Smut is fine, but not a prerequisite.) If you're someone who likes taking formal risks in your storytelling (weird timelines, unreliable narrators, impressionistic portrayals, unusual art techniques), neat! If not, love!

I love love love friendships and backstories and futurefic and humor and competence and confusing emotions and casefic and AUs (I am okay with a vast array of AUs, from different time periods or genres to werewolves to "coffee shop AU"-style AUs). I like comics, if that is also your thing! Howard Stark is Jewish, full stop (same with Bucky, if he comes up). Peggy is still allowed to grieve Steve (and Bucky!), however that manifests itself (that Smithsonian interview is only a few years after S2 -- has something come up that makes her so vulnerable about Steve?). Peggy is the same bruiser BAMF who once beat a man unconscious with a stapler.

But truly: I will be so happy with whatever you make. If all that is too mushy and too much, some prompt ideas:
  • No, really, why was Peggy so particularly emotional during that 1953 interview about the war years?
  • Bletchley-era Peggy was demure and shy, but was she secretly attracted to the things she exemplified the moment she punched Gilmore Hodge? When did she start wearing Besame Red Velvet and OPI Cinnamon Sweet? (I love stories that are strongly rooted in a time or a place; same for visuals. I mean, obviously those brands are the modern brands, but you know what I'm saying.)
  • Whatever Howard and the Jarvises were doing before, during and/or after the war. Literally anything with the three of them being a unit.
  • Rose. Ohmyheart, Rose. How did she come to the SSR? What does she love about California? How often does she get to go surfing?
  • Sousa trying to stay up to date on science. Generally succeeding!
  • Did I mention I love casefics, especially casefics where everyone on the team is competent as hell and enjoys each other?

    I'm more than happy to see characters I didn't request too, including people like Col. Phillips and Arnim Zola. (Oh shoot, how does Operation Paperclip go down at the office?) You might find my Peggy Carter tag on Tumblr helpful (or any of the other characters, like Howard). I feel like I've said too much already, and if you think of something you like better, I say go with it. Catch you on the flip side!

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!
  • lipstick bruiser peggy carter

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