For the interested, I've got
a good, prank-free linkspam at my today (I promise you that is not a lie, which I understand is suspicious, but it's true). I'm also drowning in links and tabs, and need to offload a bunch, some of them a little old. So... let's get to it.
The Atlantic has a series called
Choosing My Religion that they seem to have picked up again -- interesting stuff.
"I Love the U.N., But It Is Failing" -- yeesh.
"Fuck You, I'm Not a Millennial" -- for those of us who actually remember life before the internet.
How to make comics for people with visual impairments and/or who are blind -- very cool!
The Dictionary of Unusual Words "Sue Klebold and the Truth About Normal Parents" -- Heather Havrilesky, who is Ask Polly, in a pretty devastating response to the new memoir by the mother of one of the Columbine mass shooters.
"Learning - And Unlearning - To Be an 'Ambassador' for Islam" Gosh, mass media is moving to the coasts -- how's that working out for us as a society?
I'm really angry, in a good way, that House of Foxy exists, except they have
the perfect Agent Carter blouses but they're so expensive + shipping to the U.S. is so expensive that... I may have to spring for one someday, but I also may have to ask a friend to go in on the order, to make the shipping worth it. Ugh! Still,
thanks for the tips,
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