Just yelling on Twitter about how much I love Charlie Young and his perfect everything.

Feb 28, 2016 17:42

Lots of walking today! Met up with my brother, SIL and their youngest kid for brunch, wound up walking from 14th Street to 46th, which, yes, meant navigating Times Square, oof. Then I headed back to Park Slope in hopes of finding a coffee shop to sit down and work in, since I'd brought my laptop and had been hauling it around. None of them seemed right, though (what is it with coffee shops that have no outlets???!), so I just wandered through the neighborhood before coming home. I have every intention of continuing a West Wing S1 marathon I began last night (1.02-1.07!), in the hopes that it will get me feeling Sorkin-y enough to do some damn work.

I now do have pressing projects to get done, both for money (like actually doing the freelance consulting I said I'd get back ASAP!) and for my Chicago trip (like arranging actual things to do with people in accordance to their schedules and mine!). Naturally I also really, really want to write a Peggy POV fic about how she learns Steve has been found, and what that reunion is really like. (I feel like her frailness in Winter Soldier has to be recent -- it's only two or three years after Steve's defrosting, depending on when you time The Avengers.) Anyway. I had some really good, productive days at the end of the week, and am very close on some very exciting job applications, so -- no losing momentum, bb!

Side note for my Big Band witches people -- there's been some stuff happening, if you've been away from LJ/DW for a bit and missed the posts! I would love to talk to people about origin stories, which is mostly what I've been writing about; it's all on the tag and doesn't require having read the existing draft. I'm also still having Big Picture Thoughts about where to take things and how to ultimately organize it. I was listening to an interview with George Miller, the Mad Max director, and he described Fury Road as "a chase story," and I was just like... oh. I need to figure out the simplest possible throughline, because it's already getting very complicated.

Segue into food: I had a misadventure that basically turned out okay but not without some hilarious setbacks yesterday when I made this slow-cooker Moroccan lentil stew. Fun tip: Make sure the recipe isn't for a slow cooker that's twice as big as yours before you put everything but the liquids in! It turned out pretty good in the end, though -- definitely follow the advice in the comments and generously double all the spices.

...I think I meant to end that less abruptly. Hi!

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

rambling, my continuing sorkinization, fooding

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