My last free morning of the year, more or less

Dec 30, 2015 09:13

I feel like this week is an object lesson in "Always have something else you could be doing," especially given that I've managed to inject very little structure at all into days in which plans fall through. Oh well; I've got a lot of great things going on until the new year, none of which I get paid for! However, the interview I was supposed to do on Monday... may now not happen until tomorrow morning, and it looks like either way, I will be spending the last day of 2015 working. Worse ways to go out, so I'm not too worried, but, lolololol.

I keep thinking about my fannish year-in-review posts, which I always get very excited about, though if Yuletide reveals don't happen until Jan. 1, I just... didn't write enough to really justify not waiting. However, last night I went on a Peggy Carter tear, and did drabble a few drabbles on Tumblr, if you're interested!

First day of SHIELD: When the elevator opened on the 14th floor of the building in Midtown Howard had bought outright only the week before, she was ready to commit to the serious business she’d started at the SSR. That ended with a triumphant shout as a golf ball came careening toward her high heels.

At the nursing home: This time when she woke with a start, she took his own hand and said, Barnes, Barnes. I dreamed we all got old, all of us.

Joining the Howling Commandos: “Brown-nosing or simply trying to charm me, Sgt. Barnes?”

With the Beatles: “I know it’s not cool for me to enjoy these things,” said Aunt Peggy, as she popped open the plastic VHS case.

Falling in love again: There came a time, some time after she left Europe behind her, when Peggy’s heart bloomed in response to some stimulus and she realized it was just for her.

Meeting JARVIS: “I’m sorry,” said the voice, in a pleasant and professional RP. “I’m not able to confirm your identity, Miss…?”

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

cap 2: who the hell is bucky?, drabble request, i had a date (captain america)

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