Man, I am just feeling good and optimistic about the world today, which I am all for. I rewatched Winter Soldier last night, pretty much all while standing up (yay standing desks!), which allowed me to fully dance out my feelings of loving literally everyone in that goddamn movie. (For serious, there is no one I don't love. MARIA HILL. SAM WILSON. Team Hydra! NATASHAAAA. STEEEEEEVE. NICK FURY. I'M JUST SHOUTING EVERYONE'S NAME.) I'm going to a beach house on Lake Michigan for the weekend later today, and I'm starting to get excited about birthday shenanigans and travel plans for later this summer and work and just. Man, what a time to be alive!
Relatedly, I participated in this art thing earlier this week (stuck in Hyde Park for a
derecho and realizing that my windows were open in my apartment 14+ miles away!), where I had to make a PowerPoint presentation on the theme of repair, where 20 slides are held for 20 seconds each. The form is called Pecha Kucha, and it was super, super fun. I
posted mine on
magpieandwhale; perhaps unsurprisingly, it's about Shakespeare.
I have no good landing for this entry. Hope you're all doing well! I gotta... fold my laundry and do my dishes and pack and things. Mini-vacations!
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