The quiet nights of summer are officially over: I heard my first cicadas tonight. The good news is that I heard them while out running! It turns out that running after the sun goes down is way preferable to attempting to get it done early in the day, failing and then not running at all. I'm going to make this a thing. I want to be able to participate in the
Ditka Dash like a boss this September. It's going to be a thing.
Something that's also going to be a thing: me realizing before I buy it that I'm buying regular steel-cut oats, instead of the actually instant kind. Two rather interesting messes involving chocolate almond milk, a microwave and a stovetop later...
I'm having a lot of good Cap 2 feelings today! Step inside for a couple of good reads fic-wise...
Steve, Bucky, modern day. Swimming in the Atlantic during winter. by
thedeadparrotPost-WS, Steve holds Bucky to a promise he made long ago.
hannah said it really well: Gentle and kind without being soft on them. Those boys need it.
Steve turns again, looks out at place where the tide has washed away the snow, leaving behind graying sand. There’s no sun today, just thick white clouds. It matches the caps of the waves as they rush up against the shore. He takes off his shirt. “We doing this or not, Buck?” he shouts over his shoulder.
This, You Protect by
owlet (6500 words, WIP)
I've seen this go by a couple times, but I never was drawn in by the summary. Mistake. This might actually be the funniest post-WS fic I've read yet.
The phone makes its banjo sound three more times with admonishments to return it to Tyler. The Asset texts back: ‘bite it, asshole.’
The Asset is not consciously aware what the phrase means. The response, ‘bro that is harsh,’ satisfies. The Asset feels the head nod and lips press together. It is harsh. Message conveyed successfully.
Hollow and Honeycomb by
antistar_e (11K, wingfic)
Okay, so this one, I wasn't certain about at first. It starts off written partly in dialect, which usually makes me backbutton like hell, especially for non-white characters (I super need to know who's writing it, in those cases). I'm glad I kept on, because this one became an insta-rec. Really vivid characters, wonderful Sam Wilson voice, awesome worldbuilding. Between the '30s and the present, it became okay to keep your wings.
“Yeah, I know, I know. I’m not defending it, it’s just what we had to do, back then, to give anyone a chance.” He glances over, watching Sam absently straighten out his flight pinions, and his voice softens. “I wish it hadn’t taken so long for things to change.”
And There Are Deserts Still by
Amy (9K)
Coulson is Jewish, and invites Natasha to High Holiday services. Doesn't entirely land my "I need Jewish characters" needs (does anyone say "go to synagogue"? I've only ever heard "to services" or "to shul," but that's just me), but -- yeah, my needs are very specific, and I try not to give them too much weight, because of that. BUT. Some really wonderful character moments, especially from Thor, and I really enjoy Natasha's engagement with the service and the holiday and the community. It's about being Jewish without being About Being Jewish.
From beneath her on the mat, Thor speaks, his words rumbling through her skin where her kneecap is braced against his vocal cords. "Some, like my brother, need the silence to think," he says. "And others need the words exposed to the air to be real."
Repetition of position by
acaramelmacchiato (1900 words)
Because of course you needed Natasha and the Winter Soldier going undercover at a chess competition. Funny until it socks you in the gut, of course.
“Alright then, Scary Kasparov,” said Natasha in English, and headed to the door. "Let's get to it."
“What?” said the Winter Soldier, whose perfect understanding of English stopped just short of jokes.
On the Road by
kilicakes (1500 words)
Post-Winter Soldier Bucky takes refuge in a shed in Tennessee somewhere. Did you like that kid from Iron Man 3? If so, you're in for a treat.
Bucky was relieved to find the square little structure on the outskirts of town. Sure, it was small, but it looked like enough to at least stay the night in.
But Bucky didn’t expect to be lobbed in the head by a stray potato upon entry.
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