Oh wow, that was a long 36 hours.

Oct 09, 2013 08:39

Sometimes you just want to make records and not detailed entries, you know? So:

Monday, I...
  • Went to the dentist for a 10 AM appointment; I left at 9:30, but the train was really slow, so I got there late, and the appointment wound up lasting about an hour and 15 minutes. (He doesn't recommend a crown after all, but I had to be re-taught how to floss and brush, no really.)
  • Hauled up to Evanston to meet a friend for lunch. Which was great! (Oh man, Joy Yee's Noodles, holy wow.)
  • Went to class from 2 to 5; meandered and chatted with friend and frankly hilarious professor for most of the walk to the train station.
  • Caught the 5:48 train back home.
  • Immediately met up with a friend with a car, who helped me haul an IKEA Expedit bookshelf down four flights of stairs and up three. It had been sitting in my other friend's apartment since sometime in early August.
  • Went out for dinner with friend to thank her; stayed there until 9.
  • Got home close to 9:30 and spent about an hour decompressing.
  • Worked until midnight on readings, including Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz and a couple of MBA-type readings I had to lead a discussion on (!!) the next night.

    Tuesday, I...
  • Woke up at my old usual, 6:51 AM, so I could get in W7R3 of ZR5K.
  • Did the run from about 7:45 to 8:30. It was harder than usual, I think in part because I hadn't had a very filling dinner the night before, and as it turns out, I really don't like street running when everyone else is getting to school and going to work.
  • Left for Evanston at 9:30 for an 11 AM class, because ugh, the CTA. (Getting to Evanston not on the Metra, the commuter rail, entails a bus and two trains.)
  • Was in class from 11 to 12:20, talking about Auschwitz.
  • Hustled as fast as I could to the Davis train station, but missed a Purple Line train (or maybe didn't, since it operates on a schedule incomprehensible to man, machine or beast), so decided to grab lunch in the time I had.
  • Wolfed down lunch, part of it on the Purple Line, which finally came at 12:50. I had class in the Loop (what, 14 miles away?) at 2.
  • Finished reading two long form pieces I had forgotten to read before 2 PM long form class.
  • Was in class from 2 until maybe 4:30. Teacher either really loves my work, or is not a hard grader; can't tell yet, though he gave perfect feedback about what the piece was missing. A blissful extra half hour for finishing Baby MBA readings and typing up bullet points about the readings!
  • Dinner, worrying about "leading a discussion" in next class.
  • Media Leadership Strategies, 6 to 9. I went second, of the people presenting the readings, and the girl in front of me was terrifyingly prepared: she had cards, scenarios, role-playing, visual aids. I had nothing but notes. NOTHING. I winged it really well, and got a good discussion out of people while trying a completely different approach, but I felt totally ill watching her, because I hadn't put remotely that kind of effort into the presentation. I didn't even think I'd be standing in front of the room.
  • Rode the train home, got home around 10. Could barely move. Didn't eat leftovers from last night, though I was hungry. Probably was asleep before 11.

    And then I woke up today at 8ish. Blissful, beautiful nine hours of sleep, you're the greatest. And now I have tea, and an open day, and... a ton of work to do, but I think I'll retreat to my favorite coffee shop for that, since supposedly my landlord is sending someone to repair my freezer door (which keeps opening on its own) and my thermostat (which has said "BAT LO" since early September, and which was "fixed" once before, except not at all).

    ...oh gosh, I have paper topics to come up with and start, and readings to do, and a resume to overhaul, and fic to write, and my Yuletide letter to come up with, and postcards to write, and... I know there's more. Tea and breakfast first, thank you. Oof.

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!
  • let's do this j-school tango (medill)

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