Not so quietly freaking out about how much I have to accomplish today.

Mar 14, 2013 09:01

It's all going to be okay, though, because I have no choice but to make it work.

But I still can't start making any phone calls just yet, because businesses and the City of Evanston are only just getting to the office (if they're on-time people, which I am not) -- so! Some links for you all this morning?

You've probably heard about the demise of Google Reader, coming July 1. USA Today of all places has a pretty good list of four free alternatives for your feed-reading delectation. I'm giving Feedly a shot, though I have to admit, I really fell off what was once an all-consuming Google Reader habit.

The Best Improv Notes I've Received work well for a number of interactive/creative activities, including writing, RP and life in general.

Why Learning to Code Isn't as Important as Learning to Build Something speaks for itself. Good stuff, and stuff that the semi-hapless grad student assigned to teach my cohort about coding has been trying to say for the past five weeks.

Probably the most important thing I'll post for a while: The Lack of Female Road Narratives and Why It Matters. Read this. Read this read this read this. It's so good.

Shallow note: I think I'm always going to want these Docs.

Okay. Okay. Wish me luck! In 36 hours this leg of things will all. be. done.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

see you in the funny papers, let's do this j-school tango (medill), link-mongering, shoes are my anti-drug

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