Good... mornevening?

Feb 13, 2013 19:24

So we had our first Interactive Broadcasting workshop this week, and aldskjfhlsjkfh, this is my nerd stuff, and I am SO INTO IT. For instance, for those us who grew up perusing "View Source" and squinting into pages' code for fun and profit, did you know that if you go into your browser's preferences, go to the "Advanced" tab and check "Show Develop menu in the menu bar," you can then right-click anywhere on a page and bring up an option called "Inspect Element" that breaks out the structure of a webpage in glorious, organized, structured Technicolor? IT'S AMAZING. You should do it!

Relatedly, to segue into my link-mongering/tab-clearing post, Text Wrangler is making me remember how soothing I find coding by hand. Free download for Mac, huzzah!

Also in journalism nerdery: Valentines for journalists. GLORBY BE.

In "surviving j-school news," I've suddenly become very taken with the idea of buying myself this cathedral ring when Q1 is over. (Relatedly #2, I still have no idea what to do for spring break. What are you guys all doing March 22 through 29-ish?)

This is a great project: Woman Photographs Herself Receiving Strange Looks in Public. A picture's really worth a thousand words -- in this case, about body policing. (The series is about exposing, challenging and upending fat-shaming, for those who might want to know that before clicking.)

I don't know if I'm ever going to write my extensively plotted-out Hipster Robin Hood werewolves story, but this is a neat overview article about medieval Western Europe and werewolves.

HOLY CATS: "Scientists from UC Berkeley and the University of British Columbia have created a computer program to rapidly reconstruct vocabularies of ancient languages using only their modern language descendants."

Architecture Without Architects: What Ancient Structures Reveal About Collaborative Design -- For anyone who likes to bliss out about cities, especially very old ones.

On Pins and Needles: Stylist Turns Ancient Hairdo Debate on Its Head -- SUPER COOL. About reconstructing ancient Greek and Roman hairstyles, which no one had really been able to accurately talk about, because no scholars researching the topic were hairdressers.

Someday I'm going to get back to a grocery store, and then I'm going to make these broccoli fritters and I'm going to eat them. A lot. Until then, though, I'm going to have to play catch-up for the two/three hours I just spent in bed, napping and/or reading news sites on my phone. It's totally not laziness if you know you're staying up until ugly o'clock to do more work!

Last link: the basset hound judging from Westminster. Because basset hounds.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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fooding, science is cool, let's do this j-school tango (medill), link-mongering

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