grumble mutter

Aug 23, 2012 11:18

Fandom, I love you, but I'm starting to wish there was a way to Tumblr Savior Teen Wolf from the entire internet. I haven't been this overexposed to hype since SPN in 2008 (and unlike with that instance, I'm not going to start watching; I've already got my one jaw-droppingly bad show that gives me too many feelings for the moment, thank you).

On the other hand, this hard-to-read-but-excellent-nonetheless post about why werewolves are the shit makes me really, really happy. I've always been a werewolves girl at heart; I spent most of age 6 wanting to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Were-rat, borrowing heavily from The Rats of NIMH and the fact that my big sister was in art school in the early '90s.Why not unapologetic teen girl part-time monsters who make the earth shake when they walk, who want to fuck who they choose and fuck with who they choose and eat who they choose and, sure, deal with the ramifications of the fact that their sometimes desire to eat you colludes with their ACTUAL CAPACITY TO EAT YOU, but not in a way that ever makes them hate themselves, not in a way that makes them rue their lost innocence or forsake their girlhood, not in a way that narratively tells them to hold back. Why not girl monster protagonists who tell their own story and love themselves?

[...] This is the best werewolf porn because it’s also religious transcendency as werewolf porn and it’s religious transcendency as werewolf porn through a cynical and firmly agnostic point of view: God doesn’t matter, the worship does. The nihilism of immortality comes out to play, and the sanctity of love, and the Dionysian amoral glee of BEING MONSTERS EATING THINGS. IT IS MONSTERS HAVING SEX AND EATING THINGS AND FINDING GOD IN SPITE OF THEMSELVES BECAUSE IT’S STRAIGHT UP MAENAD SHIT.
Give me ecstasy over angst any day. See also: my favorite porn is porn with happy-but-complicated couples, oh my god, let me tell you about Kate and Harry Percy.

So, you know, I don't actually begrudge you your overwhelming delight in your show, I really don't. I'm just... super sick of that Derek dude's face. Sorry. But fuck yeah, werewolves!

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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