2011: The Things We Wrote; Or, How I learned to stop worrying and love goofy Marvel movies

Dec 27, 2011 15:53

FULL-LENGTHThor (2011)
A Total Precursor - RPF
Currents; Tides - Post-canon, Sif and Frigg
A Straightforward Invitation - Sif/Loki pre-canon sparring fic
So Will You Swim for Me - Sif/Loki, NC-17
Sif & Sensibility - Matrilineal Regency AU

Yuletide: Not yet revealed

Wine-Dark Sky: Concept for
  • Invocation to the Muse
  • Calypso I
    Negative Space
    The Girl Shots of Drexel Tell Us About Each Other
    Innogen and the Hungry Half (ongoing)

    DRABBLESWallander: The Magnus Martinsson Black Comedy Hour
    LotR: Pippin (one sentence fic)
    True Blood: Jessica/Hoyt (one sentence fic)
    Original: Abilene and Henry (one-off)

    Peter & Olivia, when nobody's watching, we might take it home
    Everybody comes to Charlie's (Brown Bettyverse)
    Charlie has no reason to wake up shivering. (Band of Brothers crossover)
    Astrid and Walter (one sentence fic)
    Charlie and Olivia (one sentence fic)

    War fandoms:
    Babe and Elaine Roe (Easy Peaches; one sentence fic)
    Basilones at breakfast (one sentence fic)
    Kitty/Harry (one sentence fic)

    Thor (2011)
    Loki and his daemon (His Dark Materials AU)
    Loki, Sif and Thor at the mall
    Loki/Sif, training to dance
    Preview, Jazz Age AU
    Five minutes after the end of "Sif & Sensibility"
    Just before "Sif & Sensibility"
    Sif/Loki, household rules
    Sif, Loki and Ullr, cuddling
    Frigg and Loki, that little leather jacket
    Sif/Loki, backrubs
    Many, many, many three-sentence AUs


    Leitmotif(s) of the year: Getting what you want. Not being able to predict what that means.

    Favorite(s) of the batch: Sif & Sensibility, because it was, every step of the way, fun, and because it really got my gears going after having felt so stuck for so long. (If you look at
    newredshoes, other than my Yuletide, I didn't write fic from November 2010, when A History of Summer came out, until the very end of May, when I started dabbling in Thor fic. There was a little original stuff, but not as much as I would have liked. It wasn't until the middle of the summer that I felt like I could do anything again.)

    Best of the batch: I really, really love So Will You Swim for Me, for many reasons. I think as a piece of character work, it's really, really good. Also, people liked the sex, which is something I truly never thought I'd be able to do. Innogen and the Hungry Half is still ongoing, but I really hope it will blow us all away by the time it reaches its conclusion. I'm so proud of what it's doing already.

    Most underappreciated by the universe: Heh. My Yuletide seems to be on very few people's radar; I haven't seen it recced anywhere, though I will say that for as few hits as it's getting, it's getting some really lovely feedback from most of the people who do read it, so that's pretty cool, actually! (And my recipient loved it, so that's what counts.)

    Favorite first lines: A current brought Loki's helm back to Asgard while the wound to the Bifrost was still sharp. (Currents; Tides)
    My father, my dead mother and my two kidnapped brothers stare down at me from the exhibit stall. (Innogen and the Hungry Half, "Not imagined, felt")

    Most fun to write: Oh, Sif & Sensibility by far, especially because so much of it happened over giddy emails back and forth with

    Sexiest fic: So Will You Swim for Me was, no lie, my first ever earnest attempt at writing sexytimes fic. I'd tried it in RP (and generally been too squirmy to really enjoy it without fading to black in short order) and about ten years ago, when I was writing hobbitslash (hilariously, with no actual idea of the mechanics of, well, anything; I just wanted to talk about writing, and that part of fandom was the first place I found where people actually talked about writing at a level that worked for me). This time, though, with Sif and Loki, it's actually stuck. Now that I've figured out that I'm actually invested in these scenarios when there's a woman involved, I really hope to keep writing more porn. There, I said it! I wrote porn this year! (Seriously, you have no idea how big a deal this is for me.)

    "Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic: You know, I've been going a lot more for the comfort-and-happiness fic this year. I think it's because it's been another year in which, you know, my mother's brain cancer came back and she needed surgery and chemo and time in the hospital and my family was hanging by a thread. So, other than So Will You Swim for Me, which centers around movieverse Loki experiencing some Norse myth-grade horrors, it's been a fairly tame year in that regard.

    Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Innogen and the Hungry Half is teaching me a lot about Cymbeline and world-building. Currents; Tides really cemented my opinion of and love for Frigg.

    New pairing/genre/fandom you never predicted writing in January: Um. Thor. All of it. Sif/Loki. My deep need for Sif/Peggy Carter. Did I mention Sif/Loki?

    Hardest fic to write: Yuletide is always a bear, but the fact that we only had four weeks this year, wow, I really felt it. The first year I did Yuletide, I didn't know the canon I'd matched on well enough, so instead I read IT and wrote Stephen King fic. I was only able to do that because sign-ups were in, like, September. I really, really could have used a lot more time.

    Biggest disappointment: Er, not yet writing my help_japan story for dotfic, or the help_haiti fic for
    tricksterquinn. Also, not being able to get anywhere on the Thor Jazz Age AU! So many false starts. One of them is going to stick.

    Biggest surprise: I've never written steampunk (or read very much), and I've made a point of never releasing WIPs, so for Innogen and the Hungry Half to become a thing, as a weekly serial novel? Wow. Trying new things is awesome!

    Most telling fic: Probably the two original full-lengths for
    magpieandwhale: Negative Space, for dealing with grief, and The Girl Shots of Drexel Tell Us About Each Other, for how much I love my friends. <3

    What's next? Last year, I wrote:I want to focus on developing more original work in the coming year, but I can also see myself getting into Fringe fic. Also, comics. I would love to get to a point where I can draw my own comics. Development-wise, I'd like to experiment more with form and style and structure. I also have a post I plan on writing up about how reading Habitation of the Blessed by Catherynne M. Valente taught me about what kind of writer I am right now and what my preferences are, storytelling- and world-building-wise.
    That post turned up here, by the way. I think that's starting to happen, but I want to push myself harder. One thing I'm very good at is imitating an established voice -- it really comes through in my Yuletide fics, for instance, but I found the Austenian conceit in Sif & Sensibility made writing a breeze. I worry, though, that it's not my voice -- you know what I mean? I think I want to be a little more sure of that in the future.

    No, what's really next? Oh gosh. Finishing Innogen in the spring. Venturing into ebooks. More original fiction and essays. The children's story I've wanted to write for some time. Submitting stories to be published for real. More Loki/Sif and Thor ensembles, especially grandiose AUs. There will probably be Avengers fic come May. Fannishly, I don't know! I have not been reading as much fic as I would like, and that leads to me writing less. Part of that was, I think, because so much of the Thor fandom this summer was on norsekink, which I didn't want to visit during work hours on a traceable work computer, you know? I would love to find a huge, thriving, churning fandom that doesn't center around kinkmemes, that is as active and energetic in other arenas too. (I love my small fandoms, but they are tiring. You want so badly to have all the things big fandoms do, but there is only so much available.) The last huge fandom I was in was SPN. I can't predict if I'll fall into another one, but a year is a long time, so who knows?

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. Starting January 1, 2012, comments will be closed on LJ. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID; you can also create a DW journal without invite codes through the end of December. Thanks!
  • thooooooooooor!, a boy daydreaming, shakespeare, we few we happy few, meme, original, patterns subtle and sly (fringe), writing, avengers assemble!, delusions of grandeur

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