It is the most beautiful day outside. I won't lie, hooky was considered.

Aug 04, 2011 10:19

Last night I went to my first StoryStudio class, along with indy_go and H, on writing radio essays. Very pleasantly surprised! The space is convenient for me location-wise, and really nice on the inside (if a bit labyrinthine to get to), and once we got past the more basic questions (do they pay you, what if you're really bad at reading, etc.) onto the more technical stuff, I really enjoyed the teacher and the content. I'm all fired up to try radio essay writing now, which I guess means I got my $40 worth. It also struck me that these classes are, ding ding ding, great networking opportunities, which I guess I knew intellectually but not in my lizard brain, so there you go. I was going through some emails last week and discovered I'd been on StoryStudio's mailing list since March 2007, when I first moved back to Chicago. I've always been interested in their courses, but improv has spoiled me for class costs (which is another reason I haven't dipped into, say, acting or art classes). We'll see what happens!

A small smattering of links:
  • Ghost Signs, the remnants of big advertisements of yesteryear painted all over the sides of buildings
  • Soleless shoes that are basically sculpture before they're footwear -- very cool!
  • Little dinosaur, a few great shots of a very upfront bird
  • 25 Ways to Fuck with Your Characters by the inimitable Chuck Wendig -- and no, there is no better name for an orangutan than Orange Julius
  • Going Against the Flow: Some thoughts on style and being vintage from my favorite non-performer girlcrush, Fleur de Guerre

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. Feel free to drop in using OpenID (how to do that).
  • you're never born too late, link-mongering, writing, shoes are my anti-drug

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