Talking about being productive is a total precursor to being productive.

Aug 02, 2011 21:02

Right, I am determined to do something productive and enjoyable to me, so after this, I'm signing off the internet and accomplishing some fic (hopefully). I have determined that this weekend I will begin making an inventory of all the things I own and don't want anymore, and once I have that organized, I'll figure out what to do with it. For now, though, some links!

First, two fic recs, both of which are totally charming, and which I don't think require any canon knowledge, though it does enhance the read:

A Rose by Any Other Name by
derryderrydown - Iron Man & Thor, gen
Coulson hadn't realised there was anything unusual about his name until the new kid started in third grade.

Break by
Rawles - Wallander
In the course of two months of sort of kind of dating Britta has learned what feels like twice again as many steadfast lessons about Magnus Martinsson. To whit: everything about his job irritates him, but he still loves it beyond all reason; never expect him to pick up on subtleties of human interaction or emotion without some nudging; always make sure to get him good and flustered before… well, anything, for no other reason than it's just more entertaining that way. That list, too, goes on.

In other news, how great is this should-be Harry Potter AU?

I don't think I'll be going for this, but still, how great would it be to be a staff writer for an ongoing zombie apocalypse radio play? Also perhaps of interest to people of a mind to submit their work places: a call for Gothic blue books, and my favorite thing that I may see this month, Looking for 3 performers to perform as a 3-person mustache. Opportunity calls!

Also, this type of meme tends to get... no responses ever, but I will give it a shot, because ohmygod, I am vain about my work and love to talk about it with people, but never feel comfortable just straight-up doing it (flailing about how I can't get any work done aside, as you may well know). But, as seen everywhere over the past few days:Give me a link to one of my fics, ask me a question and I’ll give you a detail that didn’t make it into the fic - it could be background canon, deleted material (if I still have it), the music that helped me set the mood or a look into the future - or it could be a question about inspiration, the writing process, research, etc.

(PS - You don't actually have to link me. As long you can describe it enough so I know what you're talking about, it's all good. Also, this meme is good for anything from a giant full-blow "fic" piece I've done or the tiniest drabblet. If I wrote it, ask me about it.)
You can find my stuff at
newredshoes (highlight reel), or here (master post), or (most complete!) on my fiction and drabble request tags. (Original stuff, of course, is totally game too.) You know you want to know what I listened to over and over ago while writing the "hurt" scene in So Will You Swim for Me! (It was "Honey Honey," by Feist. WRONG, but SO RIGHT.) And other assorted things. ♥

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. Feel free to drop in using OpenID (how to do that).

thooooooooooor!, link-mongering, meme, fic rec, writing, hp, tom hiddleston: double first in classics, strange but true

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