Wool skirt, victory rolls... cold shower. Fans.

Jul 22, 2011 23:34

No letter yet, internets! Mr. Hiddleston, tomorrow is two weeks, and you will officially be on notice after that.

So, Captain America! I looked like this! More pictures with various other hotass fannish folks to come, but as for the movie: it was fun! IT HAD BUCK COMPTON IN IT. There were a loooooot of Thor references, including the freaking village from that opening scene, where the Asgardians battle the Frost Giants. HOLY CATS, continuity! I had some complaints, namely that it isn't a standalone movie the way Thor or Iron Man were, but it is solid, pretty fun, and it did its job, which is namely that I am excited as all get-out for The Avengers. Provided Joss Whedon doesn't screw it up. ALIENS. I ASK YOU. AUGH.

Also, Clark Gregg tweeted this. I am facepalming so hard right now. Tom, I apologize for bring that quote to Tumblr's attention. If you meant it, then more power to you, but if you were trolling, well... now you have to actually eat your words.

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thooooooooooor!, tom hiddleston: double first in classics, movie review

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