Thunder or building falling down? You decide!

Jul 22, 2011 10:31

I am in a cleaning mood this morning, apparently. I reorganized all my photos on my work computer, so my personal/fannish nonsense is separate from the things I need for my job. I unfollowed a bunch of blogs on my Google Reader, including a lot of staples I just don't read anymore, like Apartment Therapy, Curbly, Sailor Twain, Drawn and The Jealous Curator. I even straightened up my desk area, which was starting to look like a rummage sale more than anything else. It's progress!

Yesterday skew_whiff asked about some general interest Tumblrs to follow, and for a moment I was sad, because all the Tumblrs I seem to follow are mostly because of Thor or Tom Hiddleston. But then I remembered! The reason I got a Tumblr in the first place, other than to siphon off my daily exclamations of love and adoration for my favorite leather jacket-loving, classically trained/trained in the Classics tree, was because I was following so many via RSS. So, a few favorites!

bookshelfporn is what it sounds like: endless photos of awesome libraries and bookstores.

myparentswereawesome is a collection of user-submitted photos of our parents when they were young and fun.

unabridgedbookstore is my favorite Chicago book store that's not in Hyde Park, and it's got a lot of nifty recommendations, links, stories and the rest.

black-and-white is all neat b&w photography.

fyeahbassethounds does what it says on the label.

shadesofbrixton has all kinds of wonderfully inspiring and engaging-with-creativity kinds of things going on.

dearphotograph has users re-pose with photographs of special people and places in the present day. Very touching.

thevintagemafia is where Fleur de Guerre and all her vintage-loving friends make me envious of their style and the way they just seem to spend all their time being fabulous and having fun and being cheeky with each other.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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you're never born too late, link-mongering

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