When it comes down to it, the thing I've always wanted to do with my life has been storytelling. My greatest dream is, in truth, to be published, to have a blog where I get to talk at and to people all day, and to get other people creating. Sometimes, however, you read some really depressing shit about the state of the publishing world &c &c &c. Learning all about
how dangerous Amazon kind of is is scary enough; it makes me want to throw my hands up, start a serial novel online and hope for a blog-to-book deal. Then again, you could read about
the MFA/non-MFA literary scene and just gape at the hilarious self-importance of it all. (I'm glad I've always wanted to be a genre storyteller. Not that this wouldn't come with its own set of headaches, but at least from what I've seen, there's a little less taking oneself so deathly seriously.)
Then again, you could also come across fantastic, hair-tearing-out-y YouTube parody videos about people who want to get published. And the sad thing is, of course, one of these doofuses will probably be the next Stephanie Meyer.
Click to view
Luckily, the internet can also constantly reaffirm my love of created things. Observe:
"Adam and Eve's Dog" by Richard Garcia
Figment.com, an experimental online venue for teen writers
The Death of Narcissa Black: A Potion - OH. MY. GOD. It's. This is amazing. Almost 170 gorgeous watercolors and an amazing portrait of a woman with a messy family and choices to make. Recommended without reservations for anyone. (Though particularly people who are into politics and power and loyalty things, hi lindensphinx.)
st_aurafina and I are talking about Pavarotti-shaped robots invading the planet and using the awesome power of "Nessun Dorma" to take over and rule the world. (They are, of course, called Pavarobots.) I think we're going to be okay.
This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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