Slightly epic link-dump

Sep 03, 2010 21:39

From elodiek, in the category of things I am glad exist, La Vache qui Rit Museum.

Looking for an excellent BoB icon set? Check out these beauties from "Carentan." Other episodes that are beautiful, besides, well, all of them: "Bastogne"; "Replacements".

Speaking of BoB, if you like crack, check out skew_whiff's latest, which made me actually cackle and wheeze. At work. So funny.

I could live with this bookshelf.

Fall is (ulp) on the way. Ignore the fact that this means winter is coming. Get to know your apples! (Sidebar: Best end-of-summer ritual ever.)

Ladies aren't the only ones who lunch. My dad has a group of guys that still gets together every Friday. I've always treasured the times I've gotten to tag along: they really are a bunch of old reprobates, and their conversation is just the best. Retired English professors, eternal win.

Of course, you don't have to be an old academic to have a good time. You could be ASkars, and you could be using another dude to pole dance.

Speaking of hot dudes, yeah, I would totally do Gaga as a man.

Also amazing? Two-year-old stares down tiger. Look at that kid's face! She is a badass! (See also.)

Somewhat awkward segue: Pregnant Demon Demands Sandwiches At Glenn Beck Rally. Sadly, it's not too often that you get to write that headline.

Other cool parents: Perry and Louise. Other cool penguins: every night, baby.

Some toddlers stare down tigers. Others recite poetry. By the way, books are so great. (Speaking of which. And also.)

For some reason, this really pleases me. It may be the font.

Tag run. Architecture. Post-pre-Raphaelites. The Jealous Curator. Impossible paper. Golden hour in a New York canyon. Instant femme fatale. Possibly perfect porridge.

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we few we happy few, art rec, link-mongering, fic rec, sookehhh (true blood), strange but true

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