Halting stem cell research:
not all religions think this is a good idea.A wide spectrum of Jewish groups is voicing outrage against a judge’s surprise halting of federal funding for embryonic stem-cell research and are asserting a crucial Jewish stake in reversing the ruling.
“Diseases prevalent in the Jewish community are waiting for cures,” said Sheila Decter, executive director of Boston’s Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action. “This particular decision seems more out of specific religious tradition than careful analysis.”
Moshe Tendler, a prominent Orthodox rabbi and Yeshiva University bioethics expert...called the ruling “an immoral decision” from the Orthodox perspective: “It interferes with the progress of science.”
In an official statement, [the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops] hailed the ruling as a “welcome victory for common sense and sound medical ethics.”
Yeah, not everyone's common sense, guys.
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