Well, now that my apartment is unrecognizably neat and tidy, it's time for some links!
Debunkers of Fictions Sift the Net - Great article about the couple behind Snopes
Making It Look Easy at The New Yorker - Now that doesn't sound like a bad job.
I am on a big in-love-with-the-Midwest kick, and "A Primer" by Bob Hicok just kind of stole my heart.
True Blood comic books coming this summer!
Character perspective features from the S2 True Blood Blu-ray edition - Pam and Hoyt are fantastic, and there's something to be said (yeesh) for Steve Newlin and Karl too.
New prints... must... resist...
Swing Fashionista, I follow you in all things, and if you fall in love with Louboutins, suddenly I see their merits too.
A history of Doc Martens on the occasion of their 50th anniversary
Passing Down Ecoliteracy to the Next Generation - This is the kind of thing I was all over when I was wee, and I'm not going to lie, the CD case thing is, along with all the other things, tempting. Seriously, I love this stuff.
The Cost of Art is well worth the read. If nothing else, click this link.
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