.:you have my heart so don't hurt me:.

Aug 29, 2003 09:13

things r krazee. im still jobless & pretty much have been a moocher off my mom & dad. good buddy of mine might be able to get me & sassy a job @ panasonic ... thatd kick ass. he said he'll find out sometime sunday or monday if he can get us the job. me & sas called tho & they said they werent hiring so hm |: we'll see. im about tired as hell right now. its almost 10am & i didnt sleep for shit last night. went to bed around 3 or 4 & then kept waking up. im worried about dewey /: hes got some personal shit going on & it worries me. i dont have a bad feeling about anything, but still. he worries me. im supposed to go w/ him sunday or monday to pick up something & really i dread going, but im going to no matter what cuz its important. sas is getting enrolled into college so yay (: im proud of her. hopefully we'll getta place soon enough, but of course we have 2 have $ to do that 7 both of us arent working. i probably could get 1 easily, but i dont kno where to get one @. if she starts going to college in september in ATL then id have to getta job somewhere around there. damn stress. thats life tho. me & her r more sober than we've both been in awhile. scary i kno. she even quit smoking cigs which i have failed to do yet. today me & her r supposed to go back to ATL so she can enroll & then we're gonna go to Steak 'n Shake 'cuz Shannon's working & is gonna give us the hook-up. i heard from adrienne today which was weird. she said she was getting a place either today or tomorrow & that it was a nice house. sounds like shes doing a hella lot better. ah & then i talked to this chic yesterday that i used to hang w/ back in the day ... ASHLEY! she sounds like shes doing pretty good despite some problems here & there, but i think shell pull thru the shit. shes one krazee kid tho ... still hangin' around the same o'le krew w/ the same o'le drama, but hell, i understand. im hoping maybe today sas can swing me by somewhere to find out about my GED shit & when/where i can start going. i wanna hurry up & get it over w/ so that i have some time of fuckin' education & maybe even start going to tech school while working a decent paying job ... i dont xpect too much since i dropped out after 9th or 10th grade. i need a cig, but im all out. im trying to avoid being in a bitchy mood. oh yeh then sas took me to getta tattoo (: its one my right shoulder blade ... its a "dead pansy" lol thats wat i call it. its withered & stone colored. its like "yeh i play it to b hard but really im just a fkn dying/dead pansy" its truth & it describes me. yeh i play it hard but i do care ... actually 2 much & itll kill me. also (which ill admitt bc i can do that shit) i got it bc sassy said she liked it a lot & its kind of a memory. she got me the tat so im glad i picked the 1 she liked a lot. so no matter wat & where i end up n life i'll always look back & b like "good times w/ a good friend" (: <3 i wanna go back to sleep /: but i have things to do today so oh well. my mom left me $20 so hell yeh. shes bcoming a hoochie mama ... damn lost 20lbs & shes laying n the tanning bed. hm thats sumthin i need to start doing. sounds like a plan. shes doing it all for my dad b/c they're having problems & her being a hooch will make him happier. probably her too. oh yeh & im single again so yay .:winks:. lets all celebrate. single...but in love. neways guess im gone for now cuz i gotta start getting ready so bye bye -
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