happy things! (dolls and Doctor Who, what more do you need in life??)

Jul 29, 2010 19:20

The past week has been chock full of Very Happy Things.

First off, Doctor Who! YAY! A season finale that was actually happy and good and fun and THEY KEPT AMY AND RORY! YAY! Eleven+Amy+Rory=HURRAY!!! I'm so sick of having them change it whenever they hit on a good combination, so I did a little happy dance at the end of this episode, almost (but not quite!) as bad as the Doctor's own ridiculous super-geek dance from the end of this episode. I love how this new Doctor isn't afraid to make a total prat of himself, it's very endearing. Matt Smith, I love you so. ♥ (But seriously I could do with a lot less Alex Kingston next season. She's so obnoxious and annoying. And what kind of a name is River Song, anyway? She's from the future, it's not like her parents could have been hippies. But whatever; we'll probably get more of her next season since Steven Moffat seems to think he's created a wonderfully cool character in her. Oy.) But anyway, Eleven and Amy and Rory!!! Woohoo!! I'm ready for next season!!!

Secondly, I did get my Palm Beach Breeze Silkstone Barbie doll after all! By a miracle they had a coupon that worked, and I spent most of yesterday fawning over how insanely gorgeous my new doll is. The colorful caftan and sparkly beading are so drool-worthy, and her hair is flawless, no messy tangles, just silky smooth perfect curls. I'm all excited like a kid again, it's so awesome! But I have to say that Mattel's practice of putting double-sided stick tape on their doll clothes is very evil; the dresses stay on just fine without the tape, and when you peel it off it leaves sticky goo and shreds any unfinished edges of most fabrics. Not good. But this dress survived okay, so I'm happy.

Thirdly, my patterns from Lost Coast Historical Patterns came! Yay! And they were all either sale or clearance, so that makes it even better, especially when they're from pattern companies I've never used before. But the Great Pattern Review at the GBACG website is usually reliable, so I'm pretty confident. New costuming adventures ahead!!

doctor who, dolls, sewing

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