doll collecting blues (a very tragic tale)

Jul 19, 2010 19:17

Well, I went to the American Girl Benefit sale over the weekend after all. After buying way too many dolls last year because they were so crazy cheap, I told myself that would be it, but my mom had tickets for the first day, so I figured I'd go along and pick up Molly and Emily, since they'll probably be retiring them at the end of this year or next year. So I did, but they had new Just Like You dolls, so I got one of those, and a Chrissa, because I could dress her as Felicity's best friend Elizabeth. (Elizabeth is NOT blonde, AG!!) Plus my mom got a few dolls, so needless to say, I have more of a mess in my house, and no money left.

So naturally, since fate loves to be cruel, when I stopped in at the Mattel outlet store after the sale, they had EVERY Barbie doll on my list that I've been wating for them to get, and they were included in the storewide 25% off, (which is really good, since they brought in new management and they NEVER mark down Collector Barbies anymore) and I'd just spent all my money on those stupid American Girl dolls. So I missed out on Parisian Pretty AND Palm Beach Breeze, the two Silkstone dolls I'd been coveting the most besides the new Mad Men dolls, AND the new Barbie Basics dolls I wanted, and Twilight Bella. (Even though I have no regard for Twilight in any way, the Bella doll has lovely brown hair and no make-up, which would make her perfect to re-dress in historical clothing.) So anyway, I'm crushed beyond all belief, since I would much rather have had the Barbies than the American Girl dolls, but what's done is done, and I'll just have to hope by some miracle that they'll still have some of the Barbies I want next time they have a sale, AND that the sale will actually include Collector Barbies, which it usually never does. *cries*

Thank heaven there was new Doctor Who and Poirot this weekend to relieve my ennui. Poirot was back to usual form, thankfully, after that dreadfully dark and depressing Murder On the Orient Express last week. I'm really sad about Doctor Who being the season finale though, because it probably means the last of Amy as a companion, since they've never kept the same combination for more than one year. Which is totally stupid in my opinion, because if you've got a good thing, why change it? In the old show, they kept the same Doctor and the same companion for years, and it worked just fine. It makes the Doctor seem like a bit of a jerk if he can't even commit to a friend for more than a year! I know it's already aired in the UK, but I don't want spoilers, I'm just going to watch the finale in the wild hope that Amy will get to stay!

doctor who, barbie, dolls, american girl

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