(no subject)

Jun 21, 2010 17:36

Okay, who else is totally disappointed in the lastest Doctor Who episode? Killing off companions is seriously not cool! I liked Rory! They darn well better find a way to bring him back later on! (And anyway, how full of imperialist patriarchal crap is the idea that the Earth 'belongs' to one species or another? As if anyone can 'own' it or have a better claim on it than someone else? We belong to the Earth, not the other way round, idiots! Much as I love DW, it always bursts the fantasy bubble a bit to see other species and other worlds and all of time and space still playing by the rules of 21st century western culture. Ugh. Expand your minds, writers!)

On the sewing front, I almost keeled over at JoAnn Fabrics, because what did I spy sitting in neat little bundles in the quilter's section? Sturbride Village fabric quarters!! Yes, that's right: gorgeous, expensive reproduction 19th century cotton prints that JoAnn never usually carries! And I had a half off coupon! It was a miracle! It would have been more miraculous if they'd had it by the bolt, but the prints were small, so the quarters will be just enough for doll clothes. So once I get my Victorian corset and chemise done, it's doll clothes time!

And I've decided my next sewing project is definitely a Victorian corset and chemise for myself, since I might possibly be joining some local Civil War reenactors. I went to a big multi-era reenacting event at the beginning of June, and met lots of people and saw lots of stuff, and found out there actually IS a local reenacting community! Shock of shocks! After all these years of boredom! And I have been meaning to find out more about local history, since I've mostly been more of a European history gal till now, this would probably be a great way to do it! So we'll see! (But even if nothing comes of it, at least I bought a really gorgeous vintage hat and parasol for my 1870's dress there! And a fashion plate from Godey's Ladies Book. A real one! Squee!!)

doctor who, sewing

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