my first foray into Dr. Who cosplay begins!

Sep 08, 2013 23:46

Wow, my longest stretch of LJ neglect ever! But life's been pretty dull until recently; I didn't have anything much to squee about until now: I'm going to Chicago Tardis this year!!!! EEEEEEE!!!

My very first Doctor Who Convention! (My first fandom convention ever, for that matter.) I'm super excited to geek out with my fellow fans, and to get some piece of Doctor Who merchandise signed by Paul McGann and Peter Davison! (OMG I had such a crush on Paul McGann in Horatio Hornblower back in the day! Wait, I kinda still do...) And I'm especially excited about the cosplay! Seeing everyone else's costumes is always fun, but I really want to make something myself. I've dreamed of doing a clockwork droid from 'The Girl in the Fireplace' since that episode aired, so this is finally the time to do it! I just bought the wig, and a mask that I think will work okay once I repaint it, so onto the dress tomorrow. (Well, the underthings tomorrow, actually. It takes a lot of structural support to make an 18th century court dress look the way it should!)

Also, if the clockwork droid costume gets finished in enough time, I really want to do Clara's red barmaid dress from 'The Snowmen'. That was another one that when I saw it, I went, 'gotta have it!' It'll be a budget version for sure; I can't find, let alone afford, an embroidered silk like the original was, but when you watch the episode, it just reads as a solid red dress, so I think some nice cotton broadcloth will do quite well for a substitute. :)

And, even though finishing both those projects is highly improbable in less than three months, I have a sneaking desire to do some form of steampunk girly version of the 8th Doctor's costume. Seeing as McGann will actually be there, I'm assuming my fellow 8 fans will be out in full force, and therefore someone would be more likely to get the reference. But I'd really need to get fabrics that would be a good match, and that would probably be expensive, and I probably won't have time. Ugh. We'll see!

But I'm just so spectacularly excited I could die, and I very much hope we won't be hit by a blizzard that weekend and be snowed in and not be able to go! (Don't even say it!! LOL)

doctor who, cosplay, sewing

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